Configuration Service Design |  |
Author: Akash Tayal (atayal at Version: $Revision: 1.2 $($Author: atayal $ / $Date: 2003/04/02 07:19:09 $) Created: January 2002
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This package provides an API for logging in server-based applications that can be used
around a variety of different logging implementations, including prebuilt support for the
- Log4J from Apache's Jakarta project.
Each named Log instance is connected to a corresponding Log4J Category.
- JDK Logging
API , included in JDK 1.4 or later systems. Each named Log instance
is connected to a corresponding java.util.logging.Logger instance.
- LogKit from Apache's Jakarta project.
Each named Log instance is connected to a corresponding LogKit Logger.
NoOpLog implementation that simply swallows all log output, for all
named Log instances.
SimpleLog implementation that writes all log output, for all named
Log instances, to System.out.
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From an application perspective, the first requirement is to retrieve an
object reference to the LogFactory instance that will be used
to create Log instances for this application.
This is normally accomplished by calling the static getFactory()
method. This method implements the following discovery algorithm to select
the name of the LogFactory implementation class this application
wants to use:
- Check for a system property named
org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory .
- Use the JDK 1.3 JAR Services Discovery mechanism (see for
more information) to look for a resource named
whose first line is assumed to contain the desired class name.
- Look for a properties file named
visible in the application class path, with a property named
org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory defining the
desired implementation class name.
- Fall back to a default implementation, which is described
further below.
If a file is found, all of the
properties defined there are also used to set configuration attributes on
the instantiated LogFactory instance.
Once an implementation class name is selected, the corresponding class is
loaded from the current Thread context class loader (if there is one), or
from the class loader that loaded the LogFactory class itself
otherwise. This allows a copy of commons-logging.jar to be
shared in a multiple class loader environment (such as a servlet container),
but still allow each web application to provide its own LogFactory
implementation, if it so desires. An instance of this class will then be
The Logging Package APIs include a default LogFactory
implementation class
org.apache.commons.logging.impl.LogFactoryImpl) that is selected if no
other implementation class name can be discovered. Its primary purpose is
to create (as necessary) and return
Log instances in response to calls to the getInstance() method.
The default implementation uses the following rules:
- At most one
Log instance of the same name will be created.
Subsequent getInstance() calls to the same
LogFactory instance, with the same name or Class
parameter, will return the same Log instance.
- When a new
Log instance must be created, the default
LogFactory implementation uses the following discovery
process is used:
- Look for a system property named
org.apache.commons.logging.Log (for backwards
compatibility to pre-1.0 versions of this API, a system property
org.apache.commons.logging.log is also consulted).
- Look for a configuration attribute of this factory named
org.apache.commons.logging.Log .
- If the Log4J logging system is available in the application
class path, use the corresponding wrapper class
- If the application is executing on a JDK 1.4 system, use
the corresponding wrapper class
- Fall back to the default no-output logging wrapper
- Load the class of the specified name from the thread context class
loader (if any), or from the class loader that loaded the
LogFactory class otherwise.
- Instantiate an instance of the selected
implementation class, passing the specified name as the single
argument to its constructor.
If you wish to receive logging output to System.out , but have
not installed one of the three supported logging packages, a simple
Log implementation named
SimpleLog is available. You can select it, based on the above rules,
by including a system property definition on the command line that starts
your application:
java \
-Dorg.apache.commons.logging.Log=org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog \
See the
SimpleLog JavaDocs for detailed configuration information for this implementation.
The basic principle is that the user is totally responsible for the
configuration of the underlying logging system.
Commons-logging should not change the existing configuration.
Each individual Log implementation may
support its own configuration properties. These will be documented in the
class descriptions for the corresponding implementation class.
Some Log implementations (such as the one for Log4J)
require an external configuration file for the entire logging environment.
This file should be prepared in a manner that is specific to the actual logging
technology being used.
Configuration of the behavior of the JCL ultimately depends upon the
logging toolkit being used.
The JCL SPI uses
by default if it is available (in the CLASSPATH).
is the default logger,
a few details are presented herein to get the developer/integrator going.
Configure Log4J using system properties and/or a properties file:
Use this system property to specify the name of a Log4J configuration file.
If not specified, the default configuration file is
log4j.rootCategory=priority [, appender]*
Set the default (root) logger priority.
Set the priority for the named logger
and all loggers hierarchically lower than, or below, the
named logger. corresponds to the parameter of
LogFactory.getLog( ,
used to create the logger instance. Priorities are:
or FATAL .
Log4J understands hierarchical names,
enabling control by package or high-level qualifiers:
will enable debug messages for all classes in both
org.apache.component.sub .
Likewise, setting
will enable debug message for all 'component' classes,
but not for other Jakarta projects.
Log4J appenders correspond to different output devices:
console, files, sockets, and others.
If appender's threshold
is less than or equal to the message priority then
the message is written by that appender.
This allows different levels of detail to be appear
at different log destinations.
For example: one can capture DEBUG (and higher) level information in a logfile,
while limiting console output to INFO (and higher).
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The minimum requirement to integrate with another logger
is to provide an implementation of the
org.apache.commons.logging.Log interface.
In addition, an implementation of the
org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory interface
can be provided to meet specific requirements for connecting to,
or instantiating, a logger.
The default LogFactory provided by JCL
can be configured to instantiate a specific implementation of the
org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory interface
by setting the property of the same name (org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory ).
This property can be specified as a system property,
or in the file,
which must exist in the CLASSPATH.
Default logger if not plugged
The Jakarta Commons Logging SPI uses the
implementation of the org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
interface specified by the system property
org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory .
If the property is not specified or the class is not available then the JCL
provides access to a default logging toolkit by searching the CLASSPATH
for the following toolkits, in order of preference:
- Log4J
- JDK 1.4
- JCL SimpleLog
If desired, the default implementation of the
interface can be overridden, allowing the JDK 1.3 Service
Provider discovery process to locate and create a LogFactory specific
to the needs of the application. Review the Javadoc for the for details.
Life cycle
The JCL LogFactory implementation must assume responsibility for
either connecting/disconnecting to a logging toolkit,
or instantiating/initializing/destroying a logging toolkit.
Exception handling
The JCL Log interface doesn't specify any exceptions to be handled,
the implementation must catch any exceptions.
Multiple threads
The JCL Log and LogFactory implementations must ensure
that any synchronization required by the logging toolkit
is met.
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This documenation is prepared using the user guide and documentation available on Jakarta Commons Project.