
The EJB service facilitates Enterprise Java Bean lookup via a variety of factory methods.


Interface Summary
EnterpriseBeanConfiguration This interface describes an Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) in terms of the properties required for its lookup via the EJB service's home factory facilities.
HomeFactoryConfiguration This interface describes an EJB service home factory component.

Class Summary
InitialContextUtility This utility class aids in the construction of well-formed InitialContext objects, as required by the EJB service home factories for JNDI lookups.

Exception Summary
HomeFactoryClassCastException A specific exception that will be thrown when the EJB service encounters a java.lang.ClassCastException.
HomeFactoryClassNotFoundException A specific exception that will be thrown when the EJB service encounters a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException.
HomeFactoryException This exception is the abstact, package-levelized exception for the EJB service.
HomeFactoryNamingException A specific exception that will be thrown when the EJB service encounters a javax.naming.NamingException.

Package Description

The EJB service facilitates Enterprise Java Bean lookup via a variety of factory methods. Presently, the EJB service consists of two "home factory" components; one is dedicated to locally deployed EJBs, while the other provides similar functionality for remotely deployed EJBs. These components are encapsulated into two sub-packages:

The EJB service also provides EJB home interface caching functionality and a generic exception handling strategy that applies to both the local and remote home factories.

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