The Carbon Java Framework  

The Carbon Component Framework

Installing Carbon

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Author: Doug Voet (dvoet at
Version: $Revision: 1.7 $($Author: jdreed $ / $Date: 2003/06/08 23:31:06 $)
Created: April 2002


This document describes the Carbon build / installation process. It describes software requirements and the steps to install carbon from a source or a binary distribution. It then describes how the build process works followed by descriptions of few key ant targets.


Most of the pre-requisites are guided by the specific services.
The Carbon build process requires the Jakarta Project's Apache Ant 1.5 and JDK 1.3 or later
You also need to have an application server (Weblogic or Websphere) for the EJB service. Currently weblogic ,websphere and oracle 9ias are supported out of the box.

The Basics

Step 1: Download Carbon.
You can download the latest Carbon Source release or check out latest code via anonymous CVS access. Follow the instructions on the SourceForge Carbon CVS page to access the CVS repository using your favorite CVS client and checkout the carbon module.

Step 2: Modify in the root carbon directory.
Once the source code has been downloaded and expanded in a local directory, modify Change java.home to point to your java home installation. Change build.home to point to the root ejfw4 directory.

Step 3: Configure the application server (Optional)
The carbon EJB service is designed to work with standard J2EE application servers. In order to test the EJB service you will need an application server, but if you don't have one the tests will be skipped. The configuration steps will vary depending on the vendor and the version being used. Weblogic 6.1 ,Websphere 4.0.3 and Oracle 9ias are supported out of the box.

Weblogic 6.1
1. create a new weblogic domain for carbon (refer the product documentation)
2. modify {build.home}/deployment/weblogic/ to reflect your installation values

Websphere 4.0.x
1. modify {build.home}/deployment/websphere/ to reflect your websphere installation values

Oracle 9ias
1. modify {build.home}/deployment/oracle/ to reflect your oracle installation values

Step 4: Build Carbon.
In the root carbon directory {build.home}, run 'ant dist'. This will build all Carbon code and prepare the ear ready to be deployed on the application server

Step 5: Start the application server (Optional)
When an application server is used, it can be started from the "start" target for application servers build.xml located at {build.home}/deployment/application_server.
For websphere the ear file would need to be installed on the application server. Use the install-application target located at {build.home}/deployment/websphere/build.xml to install the ear. The websphere application server can be started using the ant "start" target.
Step 6: Test
Run the junit test suite from the "junit" target in the master build.xml file or alternatively java -Dcarbon.config.Path=my-config-dir junit.ui.TestRunner org.sape.carbon.core.CoreTest

Downloading Binaries

Step 1:Download Carbon Binaries
Get the latest carbon binaries archive from the infocenter download page
Step 2:Explode the archive in your local machine
Step 3: Configure the application server (Optional)
Carbon needs a application server for the ejb service. The configuration steps will vary on vendors and the versions being used.
Weblogic 6.1
1. create a new weblogic domain for carbon (refer the product documentation)
2. modify {build.home}/deployment/weblogic/ to reflect your installation values

Websphere 4.0.x
1. modify {build.home}/deployment/websphere/ to reflect your websphere installation values

Oracle 9ias
1. modify {build.home}/deployment/oracle/ to reflect your oracle installation values

Step 4: Set classpath to include all the jars in the archive

Step 5: Start the application server
The application server can be started from the "start" target for application servers build.xml localted at {build.home}/deployment/application_server.
For websphere the ear file would need to be installed on the application server. Use the install-application target located at {build.home}/deployment/websphere/build.xml to install the ear. The websphere application server can be started using the ant "start" target.

Step 6: Test
Run java -Dcarbon.config.Path=my-config-dir junit.ui.TestRunner org.sape.carbon.core.CoreTest to verify that the installation is complete. Make sure you replace the my-config-dir with the correct path to config.

Build Process In Detail

Source Structure

The source for Carbon is divided into a modular structure. Each module resides in its own directory under the modules directory of the root carbon directory. Each module is self-contained and has 4 or 5 sub-directories:

  • classes - compiled classes
  • code - module source code
  • docs - generated javadoc
  • jars - jar file(s) of the module
  • lib (optional) - required 3rd party libraries for the module

Each module has its own build script (build.xml) and can be built independently. It can, however, have compile-time dependencies on other modules. The compile-time dependencies are resolved by referencing another module's jar file in its build.xml. The core module is an exception; it does not depend on any other module.


All modules keep their configurations in a common configuration directory. This directory is named config and is located off the carbon root.

Master Build

The master build script resides in the root carbon directory. It builds all the modules in the correct sequence and copies all module and 3rd party jars to the root level jars directory.

Directory Structure Summary

    +--[module name]
       +--lib (optional)

Master Build Targets and Descriptions

Compiles and jars all modules in the correct order and copies all module and 3rd party jars to the root level jars directory.

The dist target packages all j2ee components, prepares the java docs and prepares a source and binary distribution.
Deletes all class files within modules, all module jar files and jars in root level jars directory.
Checks that all configuration documents are well formed xml documents.
Launches the Carbon Console. This aids in viewing the running state of Carbon as well as maintaining configuration and running test harnesses.
Generates javadoc for all modules and places it in the root level docs directory
Convenient target for building all of EJFW 4 and running the Console (calls build-all and console).
Runs all the unit tests in the junit swing interface.


Refer Release notes for Known issues

The release notes contain several known issues, make sure that you download the release notes that is available along with every release of the framework.

Points to note

  • Ensure that you are using IBM-JDK compiler when deploying on websphere
  • DB URL should be set correctly in your deployment properties. (please refer to the deployment service documentation for more details)
  • Ensure that you have access to an active smtp server to run "email service" tests
  • Ensure that you run UniqueID.sql present in the uniqueid service to set up the database. This creates tables that are used by the UniqueID service test cases
  • Ensure that you have a database correctly configured for running the SQL service and UniqueID service
  • Ensure that you have junit jar file in the classpath

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