The Carbon Java Framework  

Carbon Development

Carbon Developer Steps of Doneness

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Author: Greg Hinkle (ghinkle at
Version: $Revision: 1.3 $($Author: ghinkl $ / $Date: 2003/04/09 21:01:23 $)
Created: February 2002


The Carbon framework is developed with the following steps as a the principle system for ensuring quality. The following steps should be used for all development work on the Carbon core and its primary modules.

Steps of Doneness


  1. Get approval from committer group for change (vote if necessary)
  2. Document requirements, peer design, build TogetherJ Object Model
  3. Design review


  1. Implement test cases
  2. Implement stubs (must compile)
  3. Review
  4. Implement services
  5. Integration peer review
  6. Code review
  7. Write documentation
  8. Documentation review
  9. Implement review changes
  10. Final commit and addition to main build

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