| Config-JNDI Service Design |  |
Author: Douglas Voet (dvoet at sapient.com) Version: $Revision: 1.3 $($Author: araman $ / $Date: 2003/05/05 07:42:45 $) Created: March 2003
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The Config-JNDI Service provides implementations for the
interfaces in the org.sape.carbon.core.config.node
package. These interfaces are:
Node , Folder , and
ConfigurationDocument implementations extend from
the abstract classes defined in the node package. An implementation
of NodeFactory exists for folders, links, and
confinguration documents.
The abstract classes in org.sape.carbon.core.config.node
provide the mechanics of how nodes work and interact with
each other. The classes in this module deal with how
nodes are represented in the backing directory.
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This section discusses how Nodes are stored in a
JNDI directory. There are two different namespaces used here.
The first is the terminology used within this service. The
second is the directory attribute naming convention. This
document denotes the former with bold and the latter
are underlined.
All nodes must have a name. The JNDI attribute that stores
node name is called NodeName. By default,
the name of the NodeName attribute is "name".
There are two main typs of nodes, Folder and
ConfigurationDocument . The JNDI attribute that
stores what type of node a context represents is called
NodeType. By default, the
attribute that stores NodeType is
objectClass. By default, a Folder is
defined by an objectClass of configFolder and
a ConfigurationDocument is defined by an
objectClass of configDoc.
There are two types of ConfigurationDocuments
that contain content, documents and links. The JNDI attribute
that stores what type of document a context represents is called
DocumentType. By default, the
attribute that stores DocumentType is
type. By default, a document is defined by type
doc and a link is defined by type link.
Contexts that represent Folder s do not contain
content, but they can contain subcontexts.
Contexts that represent ConfigurationDocuments
cannot contain subcontexts, but can contain content.
Content is stored as XML in a JNDI attribute. The
JNDI attribute that stores a document's content is called
Content. By default, the attribute that stores
Content is content.
This service was implemented with an LDAP directory as the
backing data store. The following schema was used during
attributeType ( NAME 'content'
EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
attributeType ( NAME 'type'
EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
# Object Class Definitions
objectclass ( NAME 'configFolder' SUP top AUXILIARY
DESC 'Configuration folder used to contain configDocuments or other configFolders'
MUST ( name ) )
objectclass ( NAME 'configDocument' SUP top AUXILIARY
DESC 'Document containing configuration information'
MUST ( name $ type $ content ) )