| Deployment Properties |  |
Author: Doug Voet (dvoet at sapient.com) Version: $Revision: 1.2 $($Author: araman $ / $Date: 2003/04/10 09:43:55 $) Created: January 2002
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Deployment Properties are used to hold information specific to the current deployment
of Carbon. They are similar to system properties available from the JVM
System.getProperty() and
System.setProperty() ).
One of the limitation of system properties is that their scope is too large;
they are global for the entire JVM. In most cases, this is OK. Problems arise, however,
when multiple instances of an application are deployed in the same JVM, but require different
values for the system properties. Deployment Properties enhance system properties by using
a properties file in addition to system properties. If a Deployment Property is requested,
the Bootstrap subsystem will first look in the system properties, if the property is not found,
the properties file will be searched. This provides 3 benefits.
- It provides a mechanism for specifying properties with a
scope visible to the entire Carbon deployment, but not so
large a scope as to effect other deployments.
- It provides a place for specifying configuration
information that is required before the Configuration
Service is available and does not have to be contained
within startup scripts.
- it works with the common practice of using System
Properties, so if this practice currently works, there is no
need to change it, but it could be changed in the future
with no code impact.
The properties file used is the first one found by the ClassLoader that loaded the Bootstrap subsystem with the name
CarbonDeploymentConfig.properties . Using the ClassLoader to locate the properties file allows for flexibility in deployment. The
file location could be specified on the java classpath or it could be contained within an ear file.
The amount of information specified via Deployment Properties should be small. In most
cases, the Configuration Service is a better place. The information stored as
Deployment Properties should either be required before the Configuration Service
has been started (e.g. where to locate the root of the Configuration Service) or
for information that varies based on the deployment (e.g. environment and instance name
used by the Deployment Service). In the case of the latter, the Deployment Service should
probably used, but if not, the Configuration Service should still be used (see
Attribute Value References)
instead of direct references to the Bootstrap subsystem.
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Below is the list of all the Deployment Properties used within Carbon.
Property Name |
Description |
Required (Y/N) |
carbon.bootstrap.Loader |
Specifies the implementation of
used to load Carbon. By default, the class used
org.sape.carbon.core.bootstrap.DefaultLoader .
N |
carbon.exception.Delegate |
Specifies the implementation of
used by the exception service. By default, the class used
org.sape.carbon.core.exception.DefaultExceptionDelegate .
N |
carbon.config.ServiceFactory |
Specifies the implementation of
used by Bootstrap to create the configuration service. By default, the class used
org.sape.carbon.core.config.DefaultConfigurationServiceFactory .
N |
carbon.config.CacheType |
Specifies the implementation of
used by the Configuration Service. By default, the class used
org.sape.carbon.core.config.cache.SynchronizedConfigurationCache .
Carbon contains one other implementation,
org.sape.carbon.core.config.cache.DoubleCheckConfigurationCache ,
that relies on a double-check locking scheme to ensure thread safety.
N |
carbon.config.RootLink |
Specifes the path to the
LinkNode configuration document.
If this is not specified, the Bootstrap subsystem will
use the ClassLoader to locate a resource named CarbonConfigRoot.link.
If it cannot locate the resource, it uses a document that
contains a Configuration of type
FileLinkNode . The value specified by
carbon.config.Path below is used as the LinkToPath
(i.e. the path to the root directory of the
configuration hierachy).
N |
carbon.config.Path |
The fully qualified path of the root directory of configuration.
This is only used if carbon.config.RootLink is not specifed.
Y |
carbon.deployment.Environment |
Secifies the name of the environment for the Deployment Service.
Y |
carbon.deployment.Instance |
Secifies the name of the instance for the Deployment Service.
Y |