Package org.sape.carbon.core.component

Interface Summary
Component Marker interface that allows components to be referenced as Component instead of Object.
ComponentConfiguration This configuration is meant to be the base configurations needed for a Carbon Component.
ComponentKeeper Interface for the system component keeper.
ComponentKeeperConfiguration Configuration interface for the ComponentKeeper.
ComponentKeeperFactory Factory interface for creating ComponentKeeper instances Copyright 2002 Sapient
FunctionalInterface This interface is a marker that must be extended by all component functional interfaces.

Class Summary
DefaultComponentKeeper The default implemetation of ComponentKeeper.
DefaultComponentKeeperFactory Default implementation of ComponentKeeperFactory, returns an instance of DefaultComponentKeeper.
Lookup This class provides a singleton interface to the component subsystem.

Exception Summary
ComponentException Levelized Exception describing all Exceptions throwable by the Component-infrastructure (a.k.a the container).
ComponentNotFoundException Exception thrown when the component subsytem attempts to fetch a component but cannot find it configuration or attempts to destroy a component that has not been loaded yet.

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