Services Packages | |
org.sape.carbon.services.cache | The Cache Service is designed to cache frequently used data in a refreshable, high performance, thread-safe fashion. |
org.sape.carbon.services.cache.mru | This package contains all classes for defining and implementing Most Recently Used (MRU) caches. |
org.sape.carbon.services.cache.total | This package contains all classes for defining and implementing read-only and writable total caches. |
org.sape.carbon.services.carbonmanagement | |
org.sape.carbon.services.config.classloader | This package contains the classloader based implementation of the Configuration nodes interfaces. |
org.sape.carbon.services.config.jar | This package contains the jar-file based implementation of the Configuration nodes interfaces. |
org.sape.carbon.services.config.jndi | Contains a JNDI-backed implementation of carbon configuration nodes that support the storage of configuration data in directory servers. |
org.sape.carbon.services.console | This package contains a graphical user interface for the Carbon Component Model. |
org.sape.carbon.services.deployment |
The DeploymentService is designed to help manage differences
in configurations between application deployments. |
org.sape.carbon.services.deployment.namelookup | NameLookups are components that provide the deployment service with names that specify either an environment or instance. |
org.sape.carbon.services.devtools.junit.launcher | |
org.sape.carbon.services.ejb | The EJB service facilitates Enterprise Java Bean lookup via a variety of factory methods. |
org.sape.carbon.services.ejb.local | Supports the lookup of Local EJBs as per the EJB 2.0 specification. |
org.sape.carbon.services.ejb.remote | Supports the lookup of remote EJBs as per the EJB specification. |
org.sape.carbon.services.email | Contains the interfaces and implementations of an email sending service. |
org.sape.carbon.services.email.util | Contains data holding classes for declaring attachements within an email message. |
org.sape.carbon.services.exception | Contains a simple graphical exception delegate designed to display high-severity exception directly to a user. |
org.sape.carbon.services.instrumentation.statistics | |
org.sape.carbon.services.jmx.server | |
org.sape.carbon.services.jmx.server.mx4j | Contains the classes for an MX4J MBean Server and adapters to access it. |
org.sape.carbon.services.jmx.server.remote | |
org.sape.carbon.services.jmx.server.weblogic | Contains the classes for connecting to Weblogic 7.0's MBean server. |
org.sape.carbon.services.jndi | The JNDI service provides components that aid in the use of JNDI. |
org.sape.carbon.services.log.console | This package contains a graphical user interface for viewing log messages. |
org.sape.carbon.services.management.interceptor | |
org.sape.carbon.services.perflog | |
org.sape.carbon.services.scheduler | |
org.sape.carbon.services.sql |
The Carbon SQL service comprises of
SqlStatementFactory - The functional interface to the component
DefaultStatementFactoryImpl - The default funtional implementation that defines the
createPreparedStatement and createCallableStatement methods. |
org.sape.carbon.services.sql.connection | Contains the classes used to connect to JDBC datasources and driver connections through a configured setup. |
org.sape.carbon.services.sqldataloader.mru | |
org.sape.carbon.services.sqldataloader.total | |
org.sape.carbon.services.swing.graph | |
org.sape.carbon.services.swing.treetable | |
org.sape.carbon.services.swing.ui | |
org.sape.carbon.services.threadpool | |
org.sape.carbon.services.uniqueid | The Carbon Unique ID Service solves the problem of generating unique IDs for data that are independent of the data representation itself. |