
Contains the classes for an MX4J MBean Server and adapters to access it.


Interface Summary
HttpAdaptorConfiguration This is the base template for a new Component Configuration.
JrmpRemotingConfiguration This is the base template for a new Component Configuration.

Class Summary
DefaultHttpAdaptorServiceImpl This component implementation configures and sets up the MX4J HTTP adaptor to create a web interface to JMX.
DefaultJrmpRemotingImpl This is the default and very simple implementation of a JRMP admin server built via the functionality in the MX4J JMX implementation.
Mx4jMBeanServerService Creates a MX4J JMX MBean Server
RemoteMBeanServerProxy Dynamic proxy for a RemoteMBeanServer.

Package Description

Contains the classes for an MX4J MBean Server and adapters to access it.

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