Package org.sape.carbon.core.config.node

Interface Summary
ConfigurationDocument A ConfigurationDocument is a Node that contains configuration information.
Folder A Folder is a Node that contains other Nodes.
Node The base interface of all objects within the ConfigurationService data structure.
NodeFactory Factory interface for objects that can construct Nodes.

Class Summary
AbstractConfigurationDocument This implementation of ConfigurationDocument uses a ConfigurationFormatService to read and write Configurations from and to the backing data store and caches the results for future use.
AbstractFolder This implementation of the Folder interface caches its children as they are requested.
AbstractNode Abstract implementation of the Node interface.
NestedConfigurationDocument ConfigurationDocument implementation for configurations nested within other ConfigurationDocuments.
NestedConfigurationDocumentFactory Factory for creating NestedConfigurationDocument nodes

Exception Summary
NodeCreationException Signifies there was a problem creating a Node.
NodeException Base exception for all exceptions in the node package.
NodeIOException Exception thrown when an Exception is encountered reading from or writing to a node.
NodeNotFoundException Thrown when a requested configuration Node is not found.
NodeRemovalException Thrown when a Node could not be removed.
NodeRemovedException This exception is thrown by nodes when methods are call upon them after they have been removed.

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