Package org.sape.carbon.core.exception

Interface Summary
Exceptionable This is the standardized interface for throwables within the Carbon Component System.
ExceptionDelegate This interface represents the responsibilities of an exception delegate in the Carbon Core exception subsystem.

Class Summary
DefaultExceptionDelegateImpl This is the default implementation of the exception delegate interface to support basic exception handling as well as auto-logging of the exception.
ExceptionDelegateFactory This is the Carbon Factory for building new exception delegates for use in Carbon based exceptions.
ExceptionUtility A utility for printing out and dealing with exceptions in a useful way.

Exception Summary
BaseException This is an abstract, base exception class provided within the Carbon Core to support basic exception functionality.
BaseRuntimeException This is an abstract, base exception class provided within the Carbon Core to support basic exception functionality.
IllegalStateException This exception is to be used when it is detected that the system is in an invalid state.
InvalidParameterException This exception is to be used when invalid arguments are passed to a method.

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