Package org.sape.carbon.core.config

Interface Summary
Configuration This interface represents the base of a bit of configuration.
ConfigurationService The ConfigurationService provides access to a heirarchy of nodes that contain Configuration data.
ConfigurationServiceFactory Factory interface for creating ConfigurationService instances Copyright 2002 Sapient
PropertyConfiguration This is the base interface for buisiness Configuration objects.

Class Summary
Config Config implements a static singleton pattern to provide a single point of access for configuration data.
DefaultConfigurationServiceFactory Default implementation of ConfigurationServiceFactory, returns an instance of DefaultRootConfigurationService.
DefaultRootConfigurationService Implementation of RootConfigurationService that traverses the node tree to fetch and store configuration data.

Exception Summary
ConfigurationAccessException This exception is thrown to wrap internal configuration exceptions in a runtime exception that can optionally be caught by developers.
ConfigurationException This abstract exception is the base exception for exceptions that occur within the Carbon Configuration Service.
ConfigurationInitializtionException This exception is thrown when the configuration service cannot be initialized.
ConfigurationNotFoundException This exception is used to declare that the requested configuration was not found.
ConfigurationRuntimeException This is the abstract-base exception for runtime hexceptions in the configuration service.
ConfigurationStoreException This exception happens when their is a failure in the store or retrieval of the underlying data representing a configuration.
InvalidConfigurationException This exception is utilized to relate that a supplied configuration is invalid or could not be found.

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