Uses of Class

Packages that use BaseEnum
org.sape.carbon.core.util.enum This package contains a graphical user interface for the Carbon Component Model. Contains data holding classes for declaring attachements within an email message. The Carbon SQL service comprises of SqlStatementFactory - The functional interface to the component DefaultStatementFactoryImpl - The default funtional implementation that defines the createPreparedStatement and createCallableStatement methods.   

Uses of BaseEnum in org.sape.carbon.core.bootstrap

Subclasses of BaseEnum in org.sape.carbon.core.bootstrap
 class BootStrapperStateEnum
          Enumeration of the possible states of the BootStrapper.

Uses of BaseEnum in org.sape.carbon.core.component.lifecycle

Subclasses of BaseEnum in org.sape.carbon.core.component.lifecycle
 class LifecycleStateEnum
          LifecycleStateEnum defines the Enumeration of states that a Component can have at any point in the Lifecycle.

Uses of BaseEnum in org.sape.carbon.core.util.calendar

Subclasses of BaseEnum in org.sape.carbon.core.util.calendar
 class DayOfWeekEnum
          A simple enumeration for the seven days of the week.
 class MonthEnum
          A simple enumeration for the seven days of the week.

Uses of BaseEnum in org.sape.carbon.core.util.classify

Subclasses of BaseEnum in org.sape.carbon.core.util.classify
 class SeverityEnum
          This generic severity classification system is used by the Core Carbon to classify Exceptions and logging messages.

Uses of BaseEnum in org.sape.carbon.core.util.enum

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.util.enum that return BaseEnum
static BaseEnum BaseEnum.getByName(String name, Class enumeratedType)
          Static accessor to the specified enumerated type value.
static BaseEnum BaseEnum.getByOrdinal(int ordinal, Class enumeratedType)
          Static accessor to the specified enumerated type value.
 BaseEnum BaseEnum.EnumTypeAggregator.getByName(String name)
          Looks up a enumeration instance in this catalogue by name
 BaseEnum BaseEnum.EnumTypeAggregator.getByOrdinal(int ordinal)
          Looks up a enumeration instance in this catalogue by ordinal

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.util.enum with parameters of type BaseEnum
 boolean EnumMask.contains(BaseEnum enum)
          Checks to see if the enum exists in this mask.
 void BaseEnum.EnumTypeAggregator.addEnumeratedInstance(BaseEnum enumeratedType)
          Adds a specific instance of an enumerated type to this catalogue for a specific subclass of BaseEnum.

Constructors in org.sape.carbon.core.util.enum with parameters of type BaseEnum
EnumMask(BaseEnum[] keys)
          Constructs a Mask object from the provided array of Enums.

Uses of BaseEnum in

Subclasses of BaseEnum in
 class OperationsImpactEnum
          This is the base template for a new enumeration.

Uses of BaseEnum in

Subclasses of BaseEnum in
 class MailContentTypeEnum
          The class encapsulates the various Mime types.

Uses of BaseEnum in

Subclasses of BaseEnum in
 class MBeanOperationImpactEnum
          Maps to the JMX severities of an Operation that are labeled in

Uses of BaseEnum in

Subclasses of BaseEnum in
 class ResultSetConcurrencyEnum
          This enumeration represents the types of concurrency supported in JDBC connections.
 class ResultSetTypeEnum
          This is an enumeration of the supported Result Set types.

Uses of BaseEnum in

Subclasses of BaseEnum in
 class QueueFullPolicyEnum
          This Class enumerates the different policies that can be used when the thread pool queue is full and a client attempts to queue a task.
 class TaskStatusEnum
          This class enumerates the possible task states.

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