Class ClassFinder


public class ClassFinder
extends Object

This class implements the capability to search over the current classpath retrieving classes that implement a certain interface.

Copyright 2001 Sapient

carbon 1.0
$Revision: 1.10 $($Author: dvoet $ / $Date: 2003/05/05 21:21:23 $)
Greg Hinkle, June 2001

Field Summary
protected  Set classes
          The set of classes found matching the provided criteria.
protected  long foundClasses
          Tracks the count of classes found that match the provided criteria.
protected  String requiredPathSubstring
          The required substring path criteria for this searcher
protected  Class superClass
          The super class criteria
Constructor Summary
          Instantiates the type of MBeanHarvester that will return all classes in the entire classpath.
ClassFinder(Class superClass)
          Instantiates the type of MBeanHarvester that will return all classes that are assignable to the supplied class.
ClassFinder(Class superClass, String requiredPathSubstring)
          Instantiates the type of MBeanHarvester that will return all classes that are assignable to the supplied class and are part of the supplied package.
Method Summary
protected  void addClassName(String className)
          Adds a class name to the list of found classes if and only if it meets the configured requirements.
 Set getClasses()
          Used to retrieve the results Set from this harvester's search.
protected  String getClassName(String fileName)
          Returns the Fully Qualified Class name of a class from it's path
protected  boolean isArchive(String name)
          Looks at the name of a file to determine if it is an archive
private  void processFile(String base, String current)
          Recursively search through Directories with special checks to recognize zip and jar files.
protected  void processZip(ZipFile file)
          Iterates through the files in a zip looking for files that may be classes.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected long foundClasses
Tracks the count of classes found that match the provided criteria.


protected Class superClass
The super class criteria


protected String requiredPathSubstring
The required substring path criteria for this searcher


protected Set classes
The set of classes found matching the provided criteria.

Constructor Detail


public ClassFinder()

Instantiates the type of MBeanHarvester that will return all classes in the entire classpath.


public ClassFinder(Class superClass)

Instantiates the type of MBeanHarvester that will return all classes that are assignable to the supplied class. This would include all implementations of it, if it is an interface or it and all subclasses of it if it's a class.

superClass - the Class that should be searched for along with implementations and subclasses


public ClassFinder(Class superClass,
                   String requiredPathSubstring)

Instantiates the type of MBeanHarvester that will return all classes that are assignable to the supplied class and are part of the supplied package. This would include all implementations of it, if it is an interface or it and all subclasses of it if it's a class. The supplied requiredPathSubstring must be part of the fully qualified classname.

superClass - the Class that should be searched for along with implementations and subclasses
requiredPathSubstring - the String part that must be found in the classes FQN
Method Detail


protected void addClassName(String className)

Adds a class name to the list of found classes if and only if it meets the configured requirements.

className - the FQN String name of the class to add


public Set getClasses()

Used to retrieve the results Set from this harvester's search.

Set the set of classes that meet this harvester's requirements


private void processFile(String base,
                         String current)
Recursively search through Directories with special checks to recognize zip and jar files. (Zip and Jar files return true from <File>.isDirectory())

base - the base file path to search
current - the current recursively searched file path being searched


protected boolean isArchive(String name)

Looks at the name of a file to determine if it is an archive

name - the name of a file
true if a file in the classpath is an archive such as a Jar or Zip file


protected String getClassName(String fileName)

Returns the Fully Qualified Class name of a class from it's path

fileName - the full path to a class
the FQN of a class


protected void processZip(ZipFile file)

Iterates through the files in a zip looking for files that may be classes. This is not recursive as zip's in zip's are not searched by the classloader either.

file - The ZipFile to be searched

Copyright 1999-2003 Sapient Corporation. All Rights Reserved.