Interface BaseMRUCacheConfiguration

All Superinterfaces:
ComponentConfiguration, Configuration
All Known Subinterfaces:
MRUCacheConfiguration, MultiGetMRUCacheConfiguration

public interface BaseMRUCacheConfiguration
extends ComponentConfiguration

The configuration interface for the DefaultMRUCacheImpl implementation. Copyright 2002 Sapient

carbon 1.0
$Revision: 1.9 $($Author: dvoet $ / $Date: 2003/05/05 21:21:07 $)
Doug Voet, April 2002

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.sape.carbon.core.component.ComponentConfiguration
Method Summary
 Integer getCapacity()
          Capacity specifies the maximum number a data elements the cache can hold before it starts to drop the least recently used elements.
 Long getExpirationInterval()
          ExpirationInterval specifies the time after which a datum has been loaded into the cache it must be reloaded.
 void setCapacity(Integer capacity)
          Capacity specifies the maximum number a data elements the cache can hold before it starts to drop the least recently used elements.
 void setExpirationInterval(Long expirationInterval)
          ExpirationInterval specifies the time after which a datum has been loaded into the cache it must be reloaded.
Methods inherited from interface org.sape.carbon.core.component.ComponentConfiguration
getComponentDescription, getComponentTemplateName, getFunctionalImplementationClass, getFunctionalInterface, setComponentDescription, setComponentTemplateName, setFunctionalImplementationClass, setFunctionalInterface
Methods inherited from interface org.sape.carbon.core.config.Configuration
clone, getConfigurationInterface, getConfigurationName, getDataStructure, getRootElement, isConfigurationWritable, setConfigurationName, setConfigurationReadOnly

Method Detail


public Integer getCapacity()
Capacity specifies the maximum number a data elements the cache can hold before it starts to drop the least recently used elements.

the value of capacity


public void setCapacity(Integer capacity)
Capacity specifies the maximum number a data elements the cache can hold before it starts to drop the least recently used elements.

capacity - value of the capacity


public Long getExpirationInterval()
ExpirationInterval specifies the time after which a datum has been loaded into the cache it must be reloaded. If this value is not specifed, cached items will only be loaded if the cache is refreshed or if it falls out of the cache due to lack of use.



public void setExpirationInterval(Long expirationInterval)
ExpirationInterval specifies the time after which a datum has been loaded into the cache it must be reloaded. If this value is not specifed, cached items will only be loaded if the cache is refreshed or if it falls out of the cache due to lack of use.

expirationInterval - value of the expiration interval

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