Class ConfigurationDataEditor

All Implemented Interfaces:
CellEditor, Serializable, TableCellEditor

class ConfigurationDataEditor
extends AbstractCellEditor
implements TableCellEditor

This Cell Editor is what manages to provide a different editing look for diffferent rows in the same table column. Since the Table API in swing is designed to have only a single TableCellEditor per Column, the data column uses this as a delegating CellEditor. It detects the type of data a acts as a facade to the correct cell editor implementation below. It utilizes the standard DefaultCellEditor for combo boxes, check boxes and text fields.

carbon 1.0
$Revision: 1.3 $($Author: ghinkl $ / $Date: 2003/04/04 01:11:49 $)
Greg Hinkle, April 2002

Field Summary
private  TableCellEditor editor
Fields inherited from class javax.swing.AbstractCellEditor
changeEvent, listenerList
Constructor Summary
(package private) ConfigurationDataEditor()
Method Summary
 Object getCellEditorValue()
 Component getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, int row, int column)
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.AbstractCellEditor
addCellEditorListener, cancelCellEditing, fireEditingCanceled, fireEditingStopped, getCellEditorListeners, isCellEditable, removeCellEditorListener, shouldSelectCell, stopCellEditing
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface javax.swing.CellEditor
addCellEditorListener, cancelCellEditing, isCellEditable, removeCellEditorListener, shouldSelectCell, stopCellEditing

Field Detail


private TableCellEditor editor
Constructor Detail


Method Detail


public Component getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable table,
                                             Object value,
                                             boolean isSelected,
                                             int row,
                                             int column)
Specified by:
getTableCellEditorComponent in interface TableCellEditor


public Object getCellEditorValue()
Specified by:
getCellEditorValue in interface CellEditor

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