Interface SqlBeanMapMRUDataLoaderConfiguration

All Superinterfaces:
ComponentConfiguration, Configuration

public interface SqlBeanMapMRUDataLoaderConfiguration
extends ComponentConfiguration

Configuration interface used by SqlBeanMRUDataLoader. Copyright 2003 Sapient

carbon 2.0
$Revision: 1.1 $($Author: ghinkl $ / $Date: 2003/09/30 02:08:19 $)
Akash Tayal, May 2003

Field Summary
static Class ValueMapType
          Providing default value to Map type.
Fields inherited from interface org.sape.carbon.core.component.ComponentConfiguration
Method Summary
 Map getBeanAttribute()
          Map of beanAttribute contains key as the DB column name and value as the bean property name.
 String getBeanAttribute(String key)
          Accessor for the bean attribute name for the specified Db column
 Class getBeanClass()
          BeanClass defines the bean representing the value attribute in the ValueMap.
 Class getComparator()
          Accessor for comparator implementation class.
 ConnectionFactory getConnectionFactory()
          ConnectionFactory defines the reference to ConnectionFactory component
 String getDataLoadQuery()
          DataLoadQuery defines the query to retreive the data to be cached
 String getKeyColumn()
          KeyColumn defines the name of the column acting as the key for the accessing specific values in the ValueMap stored in cache
 Class getValueMapType()
          Accessor for Map implementation type.
 void setBeanAttribute(Map newMap)
          Sets the map containing Db column to bean attribute mapping The keys of this map must match the name of DB columns (case sensitive) returned from the ResultSet obtained by executing the dataload query and the values in the map must have respective setters defined in the BeanClass.
 void setBeanAttribute(String key, String value)
          Sets the bean attribute name for the specified Db column
 void setBeanClass(Class beanClass)
          Sets the Javabean that will store the data retreived from database.
 void setComparator(Class comparator)
          Sets the class name for comparator implementation
 void setConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
          Sets the reference to ConnectionFactory componenent
 void setDataLoadQuery(String dataLoadQuery)
          Sets the SQL query to retreive the data to be cached
 void setKeyColumn(String keyColumn)
          Sets the column name acting as the key for accessing values from the map
 void setValueMapType(Class valueMapType)
          Sets the map implementation type used to store the cache
Methods inherited from interface org.sape.carbon.core.component.ComponentConfiguration
getComponentDescription, getComponentTemplateName, getFunctionalImplementationClass, getFunctionalInterface, setComponentDescription, setComponentTemplateName, setFunctionalImplementationClass, setFunctionalInterface
Methods inherited from interface org.sape.carbon.core.config.Configuration
clone, getConfigurationInterface, getConfigurationName, getDataStructure, getRootElement, isConfigurationWritable, setConfigurationName, setConfigurationReadOnly

Field Detail


public static final Class ValueMapType
Providing default value to Map type.

Method Detail


public String getDataLoadQuery()
DataLoadQuery defines the query to retreive the data to be cached

the query to retreive the data for the cache


public void setDataLoadQuery(String dataLoadQuery)
Sets the SQL query to retreive the data to be cached


public ConnectionFactory getConnectionFactory()
ConnectionFactory defines the reference to ConnectionFactory component

reference to ConnectionFactory component


public void setConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
Sets the reference to ConnectionFactory componenent


public Class getValueMapType()
Accessor for Map implementation type. This implementation will drive the type of map stored as value in the cache. If no implementation configured, the default is configured as java.util.HashMap

the map type of cache


public void setValueMapType(Class valueMapType)
Sets the map implementation type used to store the cache


public Class getComparator()
Accessor for comparator implementation class. If not specified, the default implementation provided by map implementation specified in ValueMapType atribute will be used.

the comparator implementation


public void setComparator(Class comparator)
Sets the class name for comparator implementation


public String getKeyColumn()
KeyColumn defines the name of the column acting as the key for the accessing specific values in the ValueMap stored in cache

the name of column acting as key for map


public void setKeyColumn(String keyColumn)
Sets the column name acting as the key for accessing values from the map


public Class getBeanClass()
BeanClass defines the bean representing the value attribute in the ValueMap. This class must have a public default constructor and must provide a setter for each attribute defined in BeanAttribute

the class for storing the cache data


public void setBeanClass(Class beanClass)
Sets the Javabean that will store the data retreived from database. The value attribute of ValueMap stored in cache returns this bean. This class must have a public default constructor and must provide a setter for each attribute defined in BeanAttribute


public Map getBeanAttribute()
Map of beanAttribute contains key as the DB column name and value as the bean property name. This defines the mapping between Db columns and bean attributes. The keys of this map must match the name of DB columns (case sensitive) returned from the ResultSet obtained by executing the dataload query and the values in the map must have respective setters defined in the BeanClass.

the map of bean attributes and respective Db columns


public String getBeanAttribute(String key)
Accessor for the bean attribute name for the specified Db column

key - Db column
the specific bean attrbiute for the Db column


public void setBeanAttribute(String key,
                             String value)
Sets the bean attribute name for the specified Db column

key - Db column
value - bean attribute


public void setBeanAttribute(Map newMap)
Sets the map containing Db column to bean attribute mapping The keys of this map must match the name of DB columns (case sensitive) returned from the ResultSet obtained by executing the dataload query and the values in the map must have respective setters defined in the BeanClass.

newMap - mapping of Db column to bean attribute

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