Interface Initializable

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractMRUCache, DefaultHttpAdaptorServiceImpl, DefaultInitialContextFactoryImpl, DefaultSchedulerServiceImpl, DefaultThreadPoolImpl, MultiGetMRUCache, Mx4jMBeanServerService, WritableCache

public interface Initializable

This interface should be implemented by Components that wish to provide a callback method to participate in container initialize operations. Work that is usually performed in the constructor can be placed here so that the container has more control. Also implement this interface if your Functional Implementation requires a reference to itself. Copyright 2002 Sapient

carbon 1.0
$Revision: 1.8 $($Author: dvoet $ / $Date: 2003/05/05 21:21:13 $)
Chris Herron, January 2002

Method Summary
 void initialize(Component thisComponent)
          Initialize the component.

Method Detail


public void initialize(Component thisComponent)
                throws Exception
Initialize the component. Called immediately after the Component's constructor. On return, the container may start the component.

thisComponent - the reference to the component that this object is a part of. Store this referece within your Functional Implementation for future use.
Exception - when there is a failure to initialize the component

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