Class DefaultThreadPoolImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
Configurable, Destroyable, FunctionalInterface, Initializable, Startable, Suspendable, ThreadPool

public class DefaultThreadPoolImpl
extends Object
implements ThreadPool, Configurable, Initializable, Startable, Suspendable, Destroyable

This implementation of ThreadPool relys on Doug Lea's PooledExecutor thread pool thread pool implementation. The PooledExecutor is a robust, highly configurable thread pool. Some configurations do not guarantee task execution, however. See Overview of package util.concurrent for more information about the PooledExecutor and other related classes.
Copyright 2002 Sapient

carbon 2.1
$Revision: 1.8 $($Author: dvoet $ / $Date: 2003/11/20 18:49:58 $)
Douglas Voet, Nov 5, 2002

Nested Class Summary
private  class DefaultThreadPoolImpl.TaskRunner
          Implementation of Runnable that wraps the tasks passed into the execute method and is responsible for tracking the task as it is queued and executed.
Field Summary
private  ThreadPoolConfiguration config
private  List failedTasks
private  EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.BoundedBuffer taskQueue
private  Component thisComponent
private  EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor threadPool
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void configure(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
          validates the configuration object and stores it
private  void configureThreadPool()
          configures this.threadPool using values from this.config
 void destroy()
          shutsdown the pool, not waiting to complete any queued tasks
 TaskInfo execute(Runnable task, String taskName)
          Queues a task for execution.
 TaskInfo execute(Runnable task, String taskName, TaskCallback callback)
          Queues a task for execution.
 List getFailedTasks()
          Gets a read-only list of the tasks that failed during execution
 Integer getPoolSize()
          Gets the number of executions threads in the pool
 Integer getQueueSize()
          Gets the number of tasks currently in the queue.
 void initialize(Component thisComponent)
          initializes this.failedTasks and saves thisComponent for later
 void resume()
          Resumes executing queued tasks by starting a thread for each queued task up to the max number of threads for the pool.
 void start()
          Creates the thread pool object and configures it then creates the configured number of threads
 void stop()
          Stops the thread pool and if configured, will wait for queued tasks to execute.
 void suspend()
          interrupts all the threads allowing them to terminate
 void taskFailed(TaskInfo task)
          adds a task to the failed list
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private ThreadPoolConfiguration config


private EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor threadPool


private List failedTasks


private Component thisComponent


private EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.BoundedBuffer taskQueue
Constructor Detail


public DefaultThreadPoolImpl()
Method Detail


public TaskInfo execute(Runnable task,
                        String taskName)
Description copied from interface: ThreadPool
Queues a task for execution.

Specified by:
execute in interface ThreadPool
task - the Runnable object that will be executed
taskName - the name of the task, used for logging and tracking
an object that can be used to track task status


public TaskInfo execute(Runnable task,
                        String taskName,
                        TaskCallback callback)
Description copied from interface: ThreadPool
Queues a task for execution. Note that callbacks may execute on the pooled thread that executed the task.

Specified by:
execute in interface ThreadPool
task - the Runnable object that will be executed
taskName - the name of the task, used for logging and tracking
callback - the callback object that will be called when the task completes
an object that can be used to track task status


public List getFailedTasks()
Description copied from interface: ThreadPool
Gets a read-only list of the tasks that failed during execution

Specified by:
getFailedTasks in interface ThreadPool
read-only list of the tasks that failed during execution


public Integer getQueueSize()
Description copied from interface: ThreadPool
Gets the number of tasks currently in the queue. This does not include the number of tasks currently executing.

Specified by:
getQueueSize in interface ThreadPool
number of tasks in the queue


public Integer getPoolSize()
Description copied from interface: ThreadPool
Gets the number of executions threads in the pool

Specified by:
getPoolSize in interface ThreadPool
pool size


public void initialize(Component thisComponent)
                throws Exception
initializes this.failedTasks and saves thisComponent for later

Specified by:
initialize in interface Initializable
thisComponent - the reference to the component that this object is a part of. Store this referece within your Functional Implementation for future use.
Exception - when there is a failure to initialize the component


public void configure(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
               throws Exception
validates the configuration object and stores it

Specified by:
configure in interface Configurable
configuration - the configuration for this component
Exception - indicates a unknown error


public void start()
           throws Exception
Creates the thread pool object and configures it then creates the configured number of threads

Specified by:
start in interface Startable
Exception - when there is a failure to start the component


public void stop()
          throws Exception
Stops the thread pool and if configured, will wait for queued tasks to execute.

Specified by:
stop in interface Startable
Exception - when there is a failure to stop the exception


public void resume()
            throws Exception
Resumes executing queued tasks by starting a thread for each queued task up to the max number of threads for the pool.

Specified by:
resume in interface Suspendable
Exception - when there is a failure to resume the component


public void suspend()
             throws Exception
interrupts all the threads allowing them to terminate

Specified by:
suspend in interface Suspendable
Exception - when there is a failure to suspend the component


public void destroy()
             throws Exception
shutsdown the pool, not waiting to complete any queued tasks

Specified by:
destroy in interface Destroyable
Exception - when there is a failure in destroying the component


public void taskFailed(TaskInfo task)
adds a task to the failed list


private void configureThreadPool()
configures this.threadPool using values from this.config

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