Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractNode
org.sape.carbon.core.config.node.file This package contains the classloader based implementation of the Configuration nodes interfaces. This package contains the jar-file based implementation of the Configuration nodes interfaces. Contains a JNDI-backed implementation of carbon configuration nodes that support the storage of configuration data in directory servers. 

Uses of AbstractNode in org.sape.carbon.core.config.node

Subclasses of AbstractNode in org.sape.carbon.core.config.node
 class AbstractConfigurationDocument
          This implementation of ConfigurationDocument uses a ConfigurationFormatService to read and write Configurations from and to the backing data store and caches the results for future use.
 class AbstractFolder
          This implementation of the Folder interface caches its children as they are requested.
 class NestedConfigurationDocument
          ConfigurationDocument implementation for configurations nested within other ConfigurationDocuments.

Uses of AbstractNode in org.sape.carbon.core.config.node.file

Subclasses of AbstractNode in org.sape.carbon.core.config.node.file
 class FileConfigurationDocument
          A node that represents a physical configuration file within a file system.
 class FileFolder
          A node that represents a physical directory within a file system.

Uses of AbstractNode in

Subclasses of AbstractNode in
 class ClassloaderConfigurationDocument
          Implementation of ConfigurationDocument using streams found from a classloader.
 class ClassloaderFolder
          Implementation of folder node for folders residing in classloader.

Uses of AbstractNode in

Subclasses of AbstractNode in
 class JarConfigurationDocument
          Implementation of ConfigurationDocument using entries within jar files as the backing datastore.
 class JarFolder
          Implementation of folder node for folders residing in Jars Copyright 2002 Sapient

Uses of AbstractNode in

Subclasses of AbstractNode in
 class JNDIConfigurationDocument
          A node that represents a JNDI context that contains content.
 class JNDIFolder
          A node that represents a JNDI context that contains other folders or documents.

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