Uses of Interface

Packages that use Node
org.sape.carbon.core.config.node.file This package contains the classloader based implementation of the Configuration nodes interfaces. This package contains the jar-file based implementation of the Configuration nodes interfaces. Contains a JNDI-backed implementation of carbon configuration nodes that support the storage of configuration data in directory servers. 

Uses of Node in org.sape.carbon.core.bootstrap

Classes in org.sape.carbon.core.bootstrap that implement Node
(package private)  class BootConfigurationDocument
          An implementation of ConfigurationDocument that provides functionality specific to retrieving the configuration required to boot the Carbon Core.

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.bootstrap that return Node
 Node BootConfigurationDocument.fetchChild(String childName)
 Node[] BootConfigurationDocument.fetchChildren()
 Node BootConfigurationDocument.getParent()

Uses of Node in org.sape.carbon.core.config

Fields in org.sape.carbon.core.config declared as Node
private  Node DefaultRootConfigurationService.rootNode
          Handle to the root node used by this ConfigurationService.

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.config that return Node
 Node DefaultRootConfigurationService.fetchNode(String nodeName)
private  Node DefaultRootConfigurationService.traverseNodeTree(String configurationName)
          Returns the Node found by recursively tokenizing the configurationName by '/' characters and scaling the node tree.
private  Node DefaultRootConfigurationService.recursiveNodeTraversal(Node node, StringTokenizer tokenizer)
          Returns the Node found by recursively fetching the next node name from tokenizer and scaling the node tree.
 Node ConfigurationService.fetchNode(String nodeName)
          Traverses the internal node hierachy and returns the named node
 Node Config.fetchNode(String nodeName)

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.config with parameters of type Node
private  Node DefaultRootConfigurationService.recursiveNodeTraversal(Node node, StringTokenizer tokenizer)
          Returns the Node found by recursively fetching the next node name from tokenizer and scaling the node tree.
private  boolean DefaultRootConfigurationService.recursiveTraverseNodeTreeForNodeExists(Node node, StringTokenizer tokenizer)
          Returns true if a node is found by recursively tokenizing the configurationName by '/' characters and scaling the node tree.
private  void DefaultRootConfigurationService.recursiveStoreConfiguration(Node node, Configuration config, StringTokenizer tokenizer)
          Traverses down the node adding the sub-nodes.

Uses of Node in org.sape.carbon.core.config.cache

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.config.cache with parameters of type Node
 void SynchronizedConfigurationCache.nodeChanged(Node changedNode)
          Updates the configuration cache with the new instance of the node.
 void DoubleCheckConfigurationCache.nodeChanged(Node changedNode)
          Updates the configuration cache with the new instance of the node.

Uses of Node in org.sape.carbon.core.config.interceptor

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.config.interceptor with parameters of type Node
 void DefaultConfigurationInterceptor.nodeChanged(Node changedNode)
          This implementation causes the component to be reconfigured if the interceptor is configured to auto refresh the component.

Uses of Node in org.sape.carbon.core.config.node

Subinterfaces of Node in org.sape.carbon.core.config.node
 interface ConfigurationDocument
          A ConfigurationDocument is a Node that contains configuration information.
 interface Folder
          A Folder is a Node that contains other Nodes.

Classes in org.sape.carbon.core.config.node that implement Node
 class AbstractConfigurationDocument
          This implementation of ConfigurationDocument uses a ConfigurationFormatService to read and write Configurations from and to the backing data store and caches the results for future use.
 class AbstractFolder
          This implementation of the Folder interface caches its children as they are requested.
 class AbstractNode
          Abstract implementation of the Node interface.
 class NestedConfigurationDocument
          ConfigurationDocument implementation for configurations nested within other ConfigurationDocuments.

Fields in org.sape.carbon.core.config.node declared as Node
protected  Node NodeRemovalException.node
          The node object that could not be removed.
private  Node AbstractNode.parent
          link to the Node's parent

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.config.node that return Node
 Node NodeRemovalException.getNode()
          Retrieves the node that could not be removed.
 Node NodeFactory.getInstance(Node parent, String name)
          Constructs a Node.
 Node Node.getParent()
          Gets the parent folder of the node.
 Node[] Node.fetchChildren()
          Returns an array of all children nodes, including standard ConfigurationDocuments and Folder.
 Node Node.fetchChild(String childName)
          Returns a child Node of the current Node as defined by childName.
 Node NestedConfigurationDocumentFactory.getInstance(Node parent, String name)
 Node AbstractNode.getParent()
 Node AbstractNode.fetchChild(String childName)
          synchronized to ensure no one is adding or removing children while childName is being fetched
 Node[] AbstractNode.fetchChildren()
protected abstract  Node AbstractNode.loadChild(String nodeName)
          Loads the child specified by nodeName from the backing data store.
protected  Node AbstractConfigurationDocument.loadChild(String nodeName)

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.config.node with parameters of type Node
 Node NodeFactory.getInstance(Node parent, String name)
          Constructs a Node.
 Node NestedConfigurationDocumentFactory.getInstance(Node parent, String name)
protected  void AbstractNode.issueChildLoadedEvent(Node child)
          Notifies all listenters that a child of this node has been loaded.
protected  void AbstractFolder.issueChildAddedEvent(Node child)
          Notifies all listenters that a child has been added to this Folder.

Constructors in org.sape.carbon.core.config.node with parameters of type Node
NodeRemovedException(Class sourceClass, Node node, Throwable cause)
          Constructor for NodeRemovedException.
NodeRemovedException(Class sourceClass, Node node)
          Constructor for NodeRemovedException.
NodeRemovalException(Class sourceClass, Node node, Throwable previousException)
          Creates a NodeRemovalException
NodeRemovalException(Class sourceClass, Node node, String reason)
          Creates a NodeRemovalException
NodeCreationException(Class sourceClass, Node parent, String nodeName, String message, Throwable previousException)
          Creates a NodeCreationException.
NodeCreationException(Class sourceClass, Node parent, String nodeName, String message)
          Creates a NodeCreationException.
AbstractNode(Node parent, String name)
AbstractNode(Node parent, String name, Object readOrAlterNodeLock, Object addOrLoadChildLock)
AbstractFolder(Node parent, String name, Object readOrAlterNodeLock, Object addOrLoadChildLock, NodeFactory subFolderFactory, NodeFactory configurationDocumentFactory, NodeFactory linkNodeFactory)
          Constructor for AbstractFolder.
AbstractFolder(Node parent, String name, NodeFactory subFolderFactory, NodeFactory configurationDocumentFactory, NodeFactory linkNodeFactory)
          Constructor for AbstractFolder.
AbstractConfigurationDocument(Node parent, String name, Object readOrAlterNodeLock, Object addOrLoadChildLock, ConfigurationFormatService formatter)
AbstractConfigurationDocument(Node parent, String name, ConfigurationFormatService formatter)
          Constructor for AbstractConfigurationDocument.

Uses of Node in org.sape.carbon.core.config.node.event

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.config.node.event with parameters of type Node
 void NodeEventListener.nodeChanged(Node changedNode)
          Deprecated. Callback method invoked when a node has been changed.
 void ConfigurationEventListener.nodeModified(Node node)
          Called when a node is modified.
 void ConfigurationEventListener.childAdded(Node parent, Node child)
          Called when a child is added
 void ConfigurationEventListener.childAdded(Node parent, Node child)
          Called when a child is added
 void ConfigurationEventListener.childLoaded(Node parent, Node child)
          Called when a node is loaded from the backing data store
 void ConfigurationEventListener.childLoaded(Node parent, Node child)
          Called when a node is loaded from the backing data store

Uses of Node in org.sape.carbon.core.config.node.file

Classes in org.sape.carbon.core.config.node.file that implement Node
 class FileConfigurationDocument
          A node that represents a physical configuration file within a file system.
 class FileFolder
          A node that represents a physical directory within a file system.

Fields in org.sape.carbon.core.config.node.file declared as Node
private  Node ConfigurationFileMonitor.NodeInfo.node

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.config.node.file that return Node
 Node FileFolderFactory.getInstance(Node parent, String name)
          Only creates sub folders of other FileFolders
protected  Node FileFolder.loadChild(String nodeName)
private  Node FileFolder.loadSubFolder(String nodeName)
          Helper method to create a sub folder
private  Node FileFolder.loadConfigurationDocument(String nodeName)
          Helper method to create a configuration document
private  Node FileFolder.loadChildLinkNode(String nodeName)
          Helper method to create a sub link
 Node ConfigurationFileMonitor.NodeInfo.getNode()
 Node AbstractFileConfigurationDocumentFactory.getInstance(Node parent, String name)
          Creates FileConfigurationDocument objects only as children of FileFolders.

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.config.node.file with parameters of type Node
 LinkNode FileLinkNodeFactory.getInstance(Node parent, String name, ConfigurationDocument linkConfigurationDoc)
 Node FileFolderFactory.getInstance(Node parent, String name)
          Only creates sub folders of other FileFolders
 void ConfigurationFileMonitor.nodeModified(Node node)
          Updates the last modifed timestamp associated with the node
 void ConfigurationFileMonitor.childAdded(Node parent, Node child)
          updates the last modifed timestamp associate with parent and adds child to the monitored files map
 void ConfigurationFileMonitor.childAdded(Node parent, Node child)
          updates the last modifed timestamp associate with parent and adds child to the monitored files map
 void ConfigurationFileMonitor.childLoaded(Node parent, Node child)
          adds child to the monitored files map
 void ConfigurationFileMonitor.childLoaded(Node parent, Node child)
          adds child to the monitored files map
private  void ConfigurationFileMonitor.addFileToMonitor(Node fileNode)
          Helper method to add a file to the monitor
 Node AbstractFileConfigurationDocumentFactory.getInstance(Node parent, String name)
          Creates FileConfigurationDocument objects only as children of FileFolders.

Constructors in org.sape.carbon.core.config.node.file with parameters of type Node
FileFolder(Node parent, String name, NodeFactory subFolderFactory, NodeFactory configurationDocumentFactory, NodeFactory linkNodeFactory, File directory)
          Constructor for FileFolder.
FileConfigurationDocument(Node parent, String name, ConfigurationFormatService formatter, File file)
          Constructor for FileConfigurationDocument.
ConfigurationFileMonitor(Node entryPoint, long pollInterval)
          Constructs a new ConfigurationFileMonitor
ConfigurationFileMonitor.NodeInfo(Node node)

Uses of Node in

Subinterfaces of Node in
 interface ConfigurationDocumentLink
          This interface is implemented by Nodes that are links to ConfigurationDocuments.
 interface FolderLink
          This interface is implemented by Nodes that are links to Folders.
 interface LinkNode
          LinkNodes are Nodes that point to other Nodes within the same or another data store.

Classes in that implement Node
 class AbstractLinkNode
          Base class for LinkNodes.
 class ConfigurationDocumentLinkImpl
          Implementation of ConfigurationDocumentLink.
 class FolderLinkImpl
          Implementation of FolderLink.

Fields in declared as Node
protected  Node AbstractLinkNode.targetNode
          The target Node of this link.

Methods in that return Node
 Node AbstractLinkNode.getParent()
 Node AbstractLinkNode.fetchChild(String childName)
 Node[] AbstractLinkNode.fetchChildren()

Methods in with parameters of type Node
 LinkNode LinkNodeFactory.getInstance(Node parent, String name, ConfigurationDocument linkConfigurationDoc)
          Constructs a LinkNode.
 LinkNode GenericLinkNodeFactory.getInstance(Node parent, String name, ConfigurationDocument linkConfigurationDoc)
          This implementation will return either a FolderLink or a ConfigurationDocumentLink depending on the type of the target Node.

Constructors in with parameters of type Node
AbstractLinkNode(ConfigurationDocument linkConfigurationDocument, Node targetNode)

Uses of Node in

Methods in with parameters of type Node
private  void DefaultCarbonManagementServiceImpl.appendSubtreeToBuffer(StringBuffer buffer, Node subtree, int depth)
          Recursive method that does a depth first traversal of the configuration node hierachy, appending the text representation of the subtree to the buffer.

Uses of Node in

Classes in that implement Node
 class ClassloaderConfigurationDocument
          Implementation of ConfigurationDocument using streams found from a classloader.
 class ClassloaderDocumentLinkImpl
          This implementation overrides the refresh method so that the configSource can be refreshed before the node hierachy is refreshed
 class ClassloaderFolder
          Implementation of folder node for folders residing in classloader.
 class ClassloaderFolderLinkImpl
          This implementation overrides the refresh method so that the configSource can be refreshed before the node hierachy is refreshed

Methods in that return Node
 Node ClassloaderFolderFactory.getInstance(Node parent, String name)
          Only creates sub folders of other ClassloaderFolders
protected  Node ClassloaderFolder.loadChild(String nodeName)
          This is not synchronized because it is called from AbstractFolder.fetchChild which is synchronized
private  Node ClassloaderFolder.loadSubFolder(String nodeName)
          Helper method used to create sub folders
private  Node ClassloaderFolder.loadConfigurationDocument(String nodeName)
          Helper method used to create sub config docs
private  Node ClassloaderFolder.loadChildLinkNode(String nodeName)
          Helper method used to create sub links
 Node AbstractClassloaderConfigurationDocumentFactory.getInstance(Node parent, String name)
          Creates ClassloaderConfigurationDocument objects only as children of ClassloaderFolders.

Methods in with parameters of type Node
 LinkNode ClassloaderLinkNodeFactory.getInstance(Node parent, String name, ConfigurationDocument linkConfigurationDoc)
 Node ClassloaderFolderFactory.getInstance(Node parent, String name)
          Only creates sub folders of other ClassloaderFolders
 Node AbstractClassloaderConfigurationDocumentFactory.getInstance(Node parent, String name)
          Creates ClassloaderConfigurationDocument objects only as children of ClassloaderFolders.

Constructors in with parameters of type Node
ClassloaderFolder(Node parent, String name, NodeFactory subFolderFactory, NodeFactory configurationDocumentFactory, NodeFactory linkNodeFactory, String resourcePath, ConfigurationSource configSource)
          Constructor for JarFolder.
ClassloaderConfigurationDocument(Node parent, String name, ConfigurationFormatService formatter, String resourcePath, ConfigurationSource configSource)
          Constructor for ClassloaderConfigurationDocument.

Uses of Node in

Classes in that implement Node
 class JarConfigurationDocument
          Implementation of ConfigurationDocument using entries within jar files as the backing datastore.
 class JarFolder
          Implementation of folder node for folders residing in Jars Copyright 2002 Sapient

Methods in that return Node
 Node JarFolderFactory.getInstance(Node parent, String name)
          Only creates sub folders of other FileFolders
protected  Node JarFolder.loadChild(String nodeName)
          This is not synchronized because it is called from AbstractFolder.fetchChild which is synchronized
private  Node JarFolder.loadSubFolder(String nodeName)
          Helper method used to create sub folders
private  Node JarFolder.loadConfigurationDocument(String nodeName)
          Helper method used to create sub config docs
private  Node JarFolder.loadChildLinkNode(String nodeName)
          Helper method used to create sub links
 Node AbstractJarConfigurationDocumentFactory.getInstance(Node parent, String name)
          Creates FileConfigurationDocument objects only as children of FileFolders.

Methods in with parameters of type Node
 LinkNode JarLinkNodeFactory.getInstance(Node parent, String name, ConfigurationDocument linkConfigurationDoc)
 Node JarFolderFactory.getInstance(Node parent, String name)
          Only creates sub folders of other FileFolders
 Node AbstractJarConfigurationDocumentFactory.getInstance(Node parent, String name)
          Creates FileConfigurationDocument objects only as children of FileFolders.

Constructors in with parameters of type Node
JarFolder(Node parent, String name, NodeFactory subFolderFactory, NodeFactory configurationDocumentFactory, NodeFactory linkNodeFactory, ReadWriteLock readWriteLock, File jarFile, String jarEntryName)
          Constructor for JarFolder.
JarConfigurationDocument(Node parent, String name, ConfigurationFormatService formatter, ReadWriteLock readWriteLock, File jarFile, String jarEntryName)
          Constructor for JarConfigurationDocument.

Uses of Node in

Classes in that implement Node
 class JNDIConfigurationDocument
          A node that represents a JNDI context that contains content.
 class JNDIFolder
          A node that represents a JNDI context that contains other folders or documents.

Methods in that return Node
 Node JNDIFolderFactory.getInstance(Node parent, String name)
          Creates JNDIConfigurationDocument objects only as children of JNDIFolders.
protected  Node JNDIFolder.loadChild(String nodeName)
private  Node JNDIFolder.loadSubFolder(String nodeName)
          Helper method to create a sub folder
private  Node JNDIFolder.loadConfigurationDocument(String nodeName)
          Helper method to create a configuration document
private  Node JNDIFolder.loadChildLinkNode(String nodeName)
          Helper method to create a sub link
 Node AbstractJNDIConfigurationDocumentFactory.getInstance(Node parent, String name)
          Creates JNDIConfigurationDocument objects only as children of JNDIFolders.

Methods in with parameters of type Node
 LinkNode JNDILinkNodeFactory.getInstance(Node parent, String name, ConfigurationDocument linkConfigurationDoc)
 Node JNDIFolderFactory.getInstance(Node parent, String name)
          Creates JNDIConfigurationDocument objects only as children of JNDIFolders.
 Node AbstractJNDIConfigurationDocumentFactory.getInstance(Node parent, String name)
          Creates JNDIConfigurationDocument objects only as children of JNDIFolders.

Constructors in with parameters of type Node
JNDIFolder(Node parent, String name, NodeFactory subFolderFactory, NodeFactory configurationDocumentFactory, NodeFactory linkNodeFactory, DirContext initialContext, Name nodeContextName, JNDILinkNodeConfiguration config)
          Constructs the JNDIFolder and registers itself as a JNDI naming listener
JNDIConfigurationDocument(Node parent, String name, ConfigurationFormatService formatter, DirContext initialContext, Name nodeContextName, JNDILinkNodeConfiguration config, String documentType)
          Constructs the JNDIConfigurationDocument and registers itself as a JNDI naming listener

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