Packages that use FunctionalInterface | |
org.sape.carbon.core.component.factory | |
org.sape.carbon.core.component.lifecycle | |
org.sape.carbon.core.component.proxy | |
org.sape.carbon.core.component.startup | |
org.sape.carbon.core.config.interceptor | |
org.sape.carbon.core.config.type | |
org.sape.carbon.services.cache | The Cache Service is designed to cache frequently used data in a refreshable, high performance, thread-safe fashion. |
org.sape.carbon.services.cache.mru | This package contains all classes for defining and implementing Most Recently Used (MRU) caches. |
org.sape.carbon.services.cache.total | This package contains all classes for defining and implementing read-only and writable total caches. |
org.sape.carbon.services.carbonmanagement | |
org.sape.carbon.services.deployment |
The DeploymentService is designed to help manage differences
in configurations between application deployments. |
org.sape.carbon.services.deployment.namelookup | NameLookups are components that provide the deployment service with names that specify either an environment or instance. |
org.sape.carbon.services.ejb.local | Supports the lookup of Local EJBs as per the EJB 2.0 specification. |
org.sape.carbon.services.ejb.remote | Supports the lookup of remote EJBs as per the EJB specification. |
org.sape.carbon.services.email | Contains the interfaces and implementations of an email sending service. |
org.sape.carbon.services.instrumentation.statistics | |
org.sape.carbon.services.jmx.server | |
org.sape.carbon.services.jmx.server.mx4j | Contains the classes for an MX4J MBean Server and adapters to access it. |
org.sape.carbon.services.jmx.server.remote | |
org.sape.carbon.services.jmx.server.weblogic | Contains the classes for connecting to Weblogic 7.0's MBean server. |
org.sape.carbon.services.jndi | The JNDI service provides components that aid in the use of JNDI. |
org.sape.carbon.services.management.interceptor | |
org.sape.carbon.services.perflog | |
org.sape.carbon.services.scheduler | |
org.sape.carbon.services.sql |
The Carbon SQL service comprises of
SqlStatementFactory - The functional interface to the component
DefaultStatementFactoryImpl - The default funtional implementation that defines the
createPreparedStatement and createCallableStatement methods. |
org.sape.carbon.services.sql.connection | Contains the classes used to connect to JDBC datasources and driver connections through a configured setup. |
org.sape.carbon.services.sqldataloader.mru | |
org.sape.carbon.services.sqldataloader.total | |
org.sape.carbon.services.threadpool | |
org.sape.carbon.services.uniqueid | The Carbon Unique ID Service solves the problem of generating unique IDs for data that are independent of the data representation itself. |
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.core.component.factory |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.component.factory that return FunctionalInterface | |
private FunctionalInterface |
DefaultComponentFactory.buildFunctionalImplementation(ComponentConfiguration componentConfiguration)
Factory method for the components functional implementation. |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.component.factory with parameters of type FunctionalInterface | |
private Decorator |
DefaultComponentFactory.buildDecorator(DecoratorConfiguration decoratorConfiguration,
FunctionalInterface functionalImplementation,
ComponentConfiguration componentConfiguration,
ComponentProxyInvocationHandler proxyInvocationHandler)
Factory method for component assistants. |
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.core.component.lifecycle |
Fields in org.sape.carbon.core.component.lifecycle declared as FunctionalInterface | |
private FunctionalInterface |
A reference to the Component instance that is being managed. |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.component.lifecycle with parameters of type FunctionalInterface | |
Decorator |
LifecycleInterceptorFactory.getInstance(FunctionalInterface functionalImplementation,
ComponentConfiguration componentConfiguration,
ComponentProxyInvocationHandler proxyInvocationHandler,
Configuration decoratorConfiguration)
Constructs Lifecycle Interceptor. |
Constructors in org.sape.carbon.core.component.lifecycle with parameters of type FunctionalInterface | |
DefaultLifecycleInterceptor(FunctionalInterface componentInstance,
ComponentProxyInvocationHandler proxyInvocationHandler,
DefaultLifecycleInterceptorConfiguration configuration)
Creates a new DefaultLifecycleInterceptor. |
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.core.component.proxy |
Fields in org.sape.carbon.core.component.proxy declared as FunctionalInterface | |
protected FunctionalInterface |
The implementation of the true component. |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.component.proxy with parameters of type FunctionalInterface | |
Decorator |
DefaultProxyInvokerFactory.getInstance(FunctionalInterface functionalImplementation,
ComponentConfiguration componentConfiguration,
ComponentProxyInvocationHandler proxyInvocationHandler,
Configuration decoratorConfiguration)
Constructs a component interceptor. |
void |
DefaultComponentProxyInvocationHandler.setFunctionalImplementation(Class[] implementedInterfaces,
FunctionalInterface functionalImplementation)
Method used during creation of the proxy object to add the functional implementation to the component. |
Decorator |
DecoratorFactory.getInstance(FunctionalInterface functionalImplementation,
ComponentConfiguration componentConfiguration,
ComponentProxyInvocationHandler proxyInvocationHandler,
Configuration decoratorConfiguration)
Constructs a component interceptor. |
void |
ComponentProxyInvocationHandler.setFunctionalImplementation(Class[] implementedInterfaces,
FunctionalInterface functionalImplementation)
Method used during creation of the proxy object to add the functional implementation to the component. |
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.core.component.startup |
Subinterfaces of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.core.component.startup | |
interface |
Startup Service component interface. |
Classes in org.sape.carbon.core.component.startup that implement FunctionalInterface | |
class |
Default implementation of the Startup Service. |
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.core.config.interceptor |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.config.interceptor with parameters of type FunctionalInterface | |
Decorator |
ConfigurationInterceptorFactory.getInstance(FunctionalInterface functionalImplementation,
ComponentConfiguration componentConfiguration,
ComponentProxyInvocationHandler proxyInvocationHandler,
Configuration decoratorConfiguration)
Constructs a component interceptor. |
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.core.config.type |
Subinterfaces of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.core.config.type | |
interface |
Implementations of this service will provide configuration with a micro level of formatting for individual values within a configuration object. |
Classes in org.sape.carbon.core.config.type that implement FunctionalInterface | |
class |
The default service that manages translating configuration data to and from its string value and object value. |
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.cache |
Subinterfaces of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.cache | |
interface |
The Cache Interface is implemented by all types of Caches. |
interface |
Interface implemented by caches that can return multiple entries with on method call. |
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.cache.mru |
Subinterfaces of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.cache.mru | |
interface |
This interface represents caches that hold a limited number of items and remove older items or items that haven't been accessed in a while to make room for new items. |
interface |
The MRUCacheDataLoader is the interface implemented by Objects that interface with the backing data store of an MRU cache. |
interface |
The MultiGetMRUCacheDataLoader is the interface implemented by Objects that interface with the backing data store of an MRU cache. |
Classes in org.sape.carbon.services.cache.mru that implement FunctionalInterface | |
class |
Class which provides a generic "Most Recently Used" cache. |
class |
Extends AbsractMRUCache to provide the get method Copyright 2002 Sapient |
class |
This class extends the AbstractMRUCache to add multi-get functionality. |
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.cache.total |
Subinterfaces of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.cache.total | |
interface |
The ConfigurableMapTypeCacheDataLoader is the component FunctionalInterface of components that can load data for a cache and also provide a mechanism to configure the map implementation to be stored in cache. |
interface |
The TotalCacheDataLoader is the component FunctionalInterface of components that can load data for a cache. |
Classes in org.sape.carbon.services.cache.total that implement FunctionalInterface | |
class |
This is the base class for caches of data that load all of their contents into memory. |
class |
This Total Cache implementation is intended for fast reading of data which expires periodically as a whole. |
class |
The Total Cache implementation of the Cache interface is intended for access to data which expires periodically as a whole or which can be changed on the fly by clients. |
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.carbonmanagement |
Subinterfaces of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.carbonmanagement | |
interface |
This services exposes methods that are helpful in managing aspects of the Carbon core services of Configuration, Components, and DeploymentProperties. |
Classes in org.sape.carbon.services.carbonmanagement that implement FunctionalInterface | |
class |
Default implementation of CarbonManagementService Copyright 2002 Sapient |
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.deployment |
Subinterfaces of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.deployment | |
interface |
All of this service's functionality happens within the start and resume lifecycle methods, so not methods are defined here. |
Classes in org.sape.carbon.services.deployment that implement FunctionalInterface | |
class |
This implementation of DeploymentService uses
BootStrapper.getEnvironmentName and BootStrapper.getInstanceName to
determine which environment and instance the current deployment is. |
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.deployment.namelookup |
Subinterfaces of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.deployment.namelookup | |
interface |
This functional interface is implemented by components that are used to implement custom methods for providing environment or instance names to the deployment service. |
Classes in org.sape.carbon.services.deployment.namelookup that implement FunctionalInterface | |
class |
Implementation of NameLookup that returns the name of the localhost |
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.ejb.local |
Subinterfaces of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.ejb.local | |
interface |
This interface defines the functional APIs for a home factory component that provides facilities for retrieving the home interfaces of locally deployed Enterprise Java Beans ( EJBLocalHome objects). |
Classes in org.sape.carbon.services.ejb.local that implement FunctionalInterface | |
class |
The implementation of the Local Home Factory The following list summarizes the key entites involved in using this service Configuration Interface HomeFactoryConfiguration
Functional Interface LocalHomeFactory
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.ejb.remote |
Subinterfaces of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.ejb.remote | |
interface |
This interface defines the functional APIs for a home factory component that provides facilities for retrieving the home interfaces of remotely deployed Enterprise Java Beans ( EJBHome objects). |
Classes in org.sape.carbon.services.ejb.remote that implement FunctionalInterface | |
class |
The functional implementation of the Remote Home Factory functional interface. The following list summarizes the key entites involved in using this servive Configuration Interface RemoteHomeFactoryConfiguration
Functional Interface RemoteHomeFactory
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.email |
Subinterfaces of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.email | |
interface |
The MailService Interface provides methods for sending text and html mails with or without attachments. |
Classes in org.sape.carbon.services.email that implement FunctionalInterface | |
class |
This is a synchronous implementation for sending emails over JavaMail API. |
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.instrumentation.statistics |
Fields in org.sape.carbon.services.instrumentation.statistics declared as FunctionalInterface | |
private FunctionalInterface |
The reference to the implementation object of the component |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.services.instrumentation.statistics with parameters of type FunctionalInterface | |
Decorator |
StatisticsInterceptorFactory.getInstance(FunctionalInterface functionalImplementation,
ComponentConfiguration componentConfiguration,
ComponentProxyInvocationHandler proxyInvocationHandler,
Configuration decoratorConfiguration)
Constructs a component interceptor. |
Constructors in org.sape.carbon.services.instrumentation.statistics with parameters of type FunctionalInterface | |
DefaultStatisticsInterceptor(FunctionalInterface functionalImplementation)
The constructor used by the component interceptor factory to build this interceptor. |
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.jmx.server |
Subinterfaces of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.jmx.server | |
interface |
Provides access to a locally available JMX MBeanServer. |
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.jmx.server.mx4j |
Classes in org.sape.carbon.services.jmx.server.mx4j that implement FunctionalInterface | |
class |
This component implementation configures and sets up the MX4J HTTP adaptor to create a web interface to JMX. |
class |
This is the default and very simple implementation of a JRMP admin server built via the functionality in the MX4J JMX implementation. |
class |
Creates a MX4J JMX MBean Server |
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.jmx.server.remote |
Subinterfaces of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.jmx.server.remote | |
interface |
This service defines the simple component for supplying a remote, administration connector to the JMX MBeanServer. |
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.jmx.server.weblogic |
Classes in org.sape.carbon.services.jmx.server.weblogic that implement FunctionalInterface | |
class |
Weblogic specific implementation of the MBeanServerProvider interface. |
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.jndi |
Subinterfaces of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.jndi | |
interface |
This service provides a consistent way for gaining access to a JNDI InitialContext. |
Classes in org.sape.carbon.services.jndi that implement FunctionalInterface | |
class |
Default implementation of InitialContextFactory |
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.management.interceptor |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.services.management.interceptor with parameters of type FunctionalInterface | |
Decorator |
ManagementInterceptorFactory.getInstance(FunctionalInterface functionalImplementation,
ComponentConfiguration componentConfiguration,
ComponentProxyInvocationHandler proxyInvocationHandler,
Configuration decoratorConfiguration)
Constructs a component interceptor. |
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.perflog |
Subinterfaces of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.perflog | |
interface |
Standard interface for performance logging services. |
interface |
Standard interface for performance logging services. |
Classes in org.sape.carbon.services.perflog that implement FunctionalInterface | |
class |
This extension on the basic performance logger provides the additional capability to track timings over a period of time and get report on their minimums, maximum, averages and standard deviations. |
class |
Provides performance logging (sometimes known as profiling) services to clients. |
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.scheduler |
Subinterfaces of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.scheduler | |
interface |
FunctionalInterface for the Scheduler Service. |
Classes in org.sape.carbon.services.scheduler that implement FunctionalInterface | |
class |
Default implementation for the SchedulerService. |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.services.scheduler that return FunctionalInterface | |
FunctionalInterface |
SchedulableComponent is the name of the component that will be called by this task. |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.services.scheduler with parameters of type FunctionalInterface | |
void |
BaseTaskConfiguration.setSchedulableComponent(FunctionalInterface component)
SchedulableComponent is the name of the component that will be called by this task. |
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.sql |
Subinterfaces of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.sql | |
interface |
The SqlStatementFactory Interface is implemented by all statement factories. |
Classes in org.sape.carbon.services.sql that implement FunctionalInterface | |
class |
The default implementation for the StatementFactory. |
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.sql.connection |
Subinterfaces of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.sql.connection | |
interface |
Factory for JDBC Connections. |
interface |
DataSource-based ConnectionFactory. |
Classes in org.sape.carbon.services.sql.connection that implement FunctionalInterface | |
class |
Decorator Component for a JNDI DataSource. |
class |
A Factory for JDBC Connections. |
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.sqldataloader.mru |
Classes in org.sape.carbon.services.sqldataloader.mru that implement FunctionalInterface | |
class |
Class provides a generic lookup class to users with a mechanism to cache data retreived from a table. |
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.sqldataloader.total |
Classes in org.sape.carbon.services.sqldataloader.total that implement FunctionalInterface | |
class |
Class provides a generic lookup class to users with a mechanism to cache data retreived from a table. |
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.threadpool |
Subinterfaces of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.threadpool | |
interface |
Thread pool components manage a number of Threads that can be used to execute miscellaneous tasks. |
Classes in org.sape.carbon.services.threadpool that implement FunctionalInterface | |
class |
This implementation of ThreadPool relys on Doug Lea's PooledExecutor thread pool thread pool implementation. |
Uses of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.uniqueid |
Subinterfaces of FunctionalInterface in org.sape.carbon.services.uniqueid | |
interface |
The UniqueIDService service Interface is implemented by all ID Generators. |
Classes in org.sape.carbon.services.uniqueid that implement FunctionalInterface | |
class |
Default implementation of UniqueIDService interface. |