Packages that use ComponentConfiguration | |
org.sape.carbon.core.component.factory | |
org.sape.carbon.core.component.lifecycle | |
org.sape.carbon.core.component.proxy | |
org.sape.carbon.core.component.startup | |
org.sape.carbon.core.config.interceptor | |
org.sape.carbon.core.config.type | |
org.sape.carbon.services.cache.mru | This package contains all classes for defining and implementing Most Recently Used (MRU) caches. |
org.sape.carbon.services.cache.total | This package contains all classes for defining and implementing read-only and writable total caches. |
org.sape.carbon.services.carbonmanagement | |
org.sape.carbon.services.deployment |
The DeploymentService is designed to help manage differences
in configurations between application deployments. |
org.sape.carbon.services.ejb | The EJB service facilitates Enterprise Java Bean lookup via a variety of factory methods. |
org.sape.carbon.services.ejb.local | Supports the lookup of Local EJBs as per the EJB 2.0 specification. |
org.sape.carbon.services.ejb.remote | Supports the lookup of remote EJBs as per the EJB specification. |
org.sape.carbon.services.email | Contains the interfaces and implementations of an email sending service. |
org.sape.carbon.services.instrumentation.statistics | |
org.sape.carbon.services.jmx.server | |
org.sape.carbon.services.jmx.server.mx4j | Contains the classes for an MX4J MBean Server and adapters to access it. |
org.sape.carbon.services.jmx.server.weblogic | Contains the classes for connecting to Weblogic 7.0's MBean server. |
org.sape.carbon.services.jndi | The JNDI service provides components that aid in the use of JNDI. |
org.sape.carbon.services.management.interceptor | |
org.sape.carbon.services.perflog | |
org.sape.carbon.services.scheduler | |
org.sape.carbon.services.sql |
The Carbon SQL service comprises of
SqlStatementFactory - The functional interface to the component
DefaultStatementFactoryImpl - The default funtional implementation that defines the
createPreparedStatement and createCallableStatement methods. |
org.sape.carbon.services.sql.connection | Contains the classes used to connect to JDBC datasources and driver connections through a configured setup. |
org.sape.carbon.services.sqldataloader.mru | |
org.sape.carbon.services.sqldataloader.total | |
org.sape.carbon.services.threadpool | |
org.sape.carbon.services.uniqueid | The Carbon Unique ID Service solves the problem of generating unique IDs for data that are independent of the data representation itself. |
Uses of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.core.component.factory |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.component.factory that return ComponentConfiguration | |
private ComponentConfiguration |
DefaultComponentFactory.getComponentConfig(String logicalComponentName)
Gets the configuration of the component specified by the name. |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.component.factory with parameters of type ComponentConfiguration | |
private Component |
DefaultComponentFactory.assembleComponent(ComponentConfiguration componentConfiguration)
This method does the actual work of constructing a component. |
private FunctionalInterface |
DefaultComponentFactory.buildFunctionalImplementation(ComponentConfiguration componentConfiguration)
Factory method for the components functional implementation. |
private Decorator |
DefaultComponentFactory.buildDecorator(DecoratorConfiguration decoratorConfiguration,
FunctionalInterface functionalImplementation,
ComponentConfiguration componentConfiguration,
ComponentProxyInvocationHandler proxyInvocationHandler)
Factory method for component assistants. |
private ComponentTemplateConfiguration |
DefaultComponentFactory.getComponentTemplateConfiguration(ComponentConfiguration componentConfiguration)
Gets the ComponentTemplateConfiguration for this component. |
Uses of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.core.component.lifecycle |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.component.lifecycle with parameters of type ComponentConfiguration | |
Decorator |
LifecycleInterceptorFactory.getInstance(FunctionalInterface functionalImplementation,
ComponentConfiguration componentConfiguration,
ComponentProxyInvocationHandler proxyInvocationHandler,
Configuration decoratorConfiguration)
Constructs Lifecycle Interceptor. |
void |
LifecycleInterceptor.configureComponent(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
Provides a Component with its Configuration. |
void |
DefaultLifecycleInterceptor.configureComponent(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
Provides a Component with its Configuration. |
private void |
DefaultLifecycleInterceptor.callComponentConfigure(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
Calls component's lifecycle method. |
void |
Configurable.configure(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
Configure the component. |
Uses of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.core.component.proxy |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.component.proxy with parameters of type ComponentConfiguration | |
Decorator |
DefaultProxyInvokerFactory.getInstance(FunctionalInterface functionalImplementation,
ComponentConfiguration componentConfiguration,
ComponentProxyInvocationHandler proxyInvocationHandler,
Configuration decoratorConfiguration)
Constructs a component interceptor. |
Decorator |
DecoratorFactory.getInstance(FunctionalInterface functionalImplementation,
ComponentConfiguration componentConfiguration,
ComponentProxyInvocationHandler proxyInvocationHandler,
Configuration decoratorConfiguration)
Constructs a component interceptor. |
Uses of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.core.component.startup |
Subinterfaces of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.core.component.startup | |
interface |
Configuration interface for the Startup Service. |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.component.startup with parameters of type ComponentConfiguration | |
void |
DefaultStartupServiceImpl.configure(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
Configuration lifecycle method. |
Uses of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.core.config.interceptor |
Fields in org.sape.carbon.core.config.interceptor declared as ComponentConfiguration | |
protected ComponentConfiguration |
The component's live configuration |
protected ComponentConfiguration |
The component's working configuration, possibly in an interim/invalid state |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.config.interceptor that return ComponentConfiguration | |
ComponentConfiguration |
This implementation returns a copy of the component's working configuration. |
ComponentConfiguration |
This implementation returns a copy of the component's live configuration. |
ComponentConfiguration |
Gets snapshot of the working copy of the component's configuration |
ComponentConfiguration |
Gets snapshot of the live copy of the component's configuration |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.config.interceptor with parameters of type ComponentConfiguration | |
private void |
DefaultConfigurationInterceptor.configureComponent(ComponentConfiguration newConfiguration)
Calls the lifecycle assistant to configure the component. |
Decorator |
ConfigurationInterceptorFactory.getInstance(FunctionalInterface functionalImplementation,
ComponentConfiguration componentConfiguration,
ComponentProxyInvocationHandler proxyInvocationHandler,
Configuration decoratorConfiguration)
Constructs a component interceptor. |
Constructors in org.sape.carbon.core.config.interceptor with parameters of type ComponentConfiguration | |
DefaultConfigurationInterceptor(ComponentConfiguration componentConfiguration,
ComponentProxyInvocationHandler proxyInvocationHandler,
ConfigurationInterceptorConfiguration config)
This constructor is protected to allow extension but not direct instantiation. |
Uses of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.core.config.type |
Subinterfaces of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.core.config.type | |
interface |
This is the Configuration interface that defines the configuration data for an instance of a Configuration Type Handler Service. |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.config.type with parameters of type ComponentConfiguration | |
void |
DefaultConfigurationTypeServiceImpl.configure(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
Configure the component. |
Uses of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.cache.mru |
Subinterfaces of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.cache.mru | |
interface |
The configuration interface for the DefaultMRUCacheImpl implementation. |
interface |
This is the configuration interface for a basic MRUCache Copyright 2002 Sapient |
interface |
This is the configuration interface for a multi-get MRUCache |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.services.cache.mru with parameters of type ComponentConfiguration | |
void |
MultiGetMRUCache.configure(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
void |
DefaultMRUCacheImpl.configure(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
Configures the component with a MRUCacheConfiguration . |
void |
AbstractMRUCache.configure(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
Uses of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.cache.total |
Subinterfaces of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.cache.total | |
interface |
Configuration interface used by both the ReadOnlyCache and WritableCache implementations. |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.services.cache.total with parameters of type ComponentConfiguration | |
void |
WritableCache.configure(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
void |
ReadOnlyCache.configure(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
Uses of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.carbonmanagement |
Subinterfaces of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.carbonmanagement | |
interface |
This interface defines the configuration of the DefaultCarbonManagementServiceImpl. |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.services.carbonmanagement with parameters of type ComponentConfiguration | |
void |
DefaultCarbonManagementServiceImpl.configure(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
Configures the component. |
Uses of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.deployment |
Subinterfaces of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.deployment | |
interface |
Configuration interface for the Deployment Service |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.services.deployment with parameters of type ComponentConfiguration | |
void |
DefaultDeploymentServiceImpl.configure(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
Fetches the deployment node and stores the CurrentDeploymentNodeName |
protected String |
DefaultDeploymentServiceImpl.constructTargetNodeName(ComponentConfiguration serviceConfig)
Helper method that constructs the name of the node that will be used as the target of the deployment link. |
Uses of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.ejb |
Subinterfaces of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.ejb | |
interface |
This interface describes an EJB service home factory component. |
Uses of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.ejb.local |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.services.ejb.local with parameters of type ComponentConfiguration | |
void |
LocalHomeFactoryImpl.configure(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
Configures the component. |
Uses of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.ejb.remote |
Subinterfaces of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.ejb.remote | |
interface |
This interface describes an EJB service home factory component tailored specifically for handling lookups for remote objects. |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.services.ejb.remote with parameters of type ComponentConfiguration | |
void |
RemoteHomeFactoryImpl.configure(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
Configures the component. |
Uses of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.email |
Subinterfaces of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.email | |
interface |
The configuration interface for the email component. |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.services.email with parameters of type ComponentConfiguration | |
void |
SynchronousMailService.configure(ComponentConfiguration config)
Uses of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.instrumentation.statistics |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.services.instrumentation.statistics with parameters of type ComponentConfiguration | |
Decorator |
StatisticsInterceptorFactory.getInstance(FunctionalInterface functionalImplementation,
ComponentConfiguration componentConfiguration,
ComponentProxyInvocationHandler proxyInvocationHandler,
Configuration decoratorConfiguration)
Constructs a component interceptor. |
Uses of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.jmx.server |
Subinterfaces of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.jmx.server | |
interface |
This is the base template for a new Component Configuration. |
Uses of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.jmx.server.mx4j |
Subinterfaces of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.jmx.server.mx4j | |
interface |
This is the base template for a new Component Configuration. |
interface |
This is the base template for a new Component Configuration. |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.services.jmx.server.mx4j with parameters of type ComponentConfiguration | |
void |
DefaultJrmpRemotingImpl.configure(ComponentConfiguration componentConfiguration)
Configures the component. |
void |
DefaultHttpAdaptorServiceImpl.configure(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
Configure the component. |
Uses of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.jmx.server.weblogic |
Subinterfaces of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.jmx.server.weblogic | |
interface |
This is the configuration for the WebLogicMBeanServerService. |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.services.jmx.server.weblogic with parameters of type ComponentConfiguration | |
void |
WebLogicMBeanServerServiceImpl.configure(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
Configures the service. |
Uses of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.jndi |
Subinterfaces of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.jndi | |
interface |
Configuration used by the DefaultInitialContextFactoryImpl. |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.services.jndi with parameters of type ComponentConfiguration | |
void |
DefaultInitialContextFactoryImpl.configure(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
Uses of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.management.interceptor |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.services.management.interceptor with parameters of type ComponentConfiguration | |
Decorator |
ManagementInterceptorFactory.getInstance(FunctionalInterface functionalImplementation,
ComponentConfiguration componentConfiguration,
ComponentProxyInvocationHandler proxyInvocationHandler,
Configuration decoratorConfiguration)
Constructs a component interceptor. |
Uses of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.perflog |
Subinterfaces of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.perflog | |
interface |
Configures a Bounded Buffer performance logger. |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.services.perflog with parameters of type ComponentConfiguration | |
void |
BoundedBufferPerformanceLogger.configure(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
Configure the component. |
Uses of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.scheduler |
Subinterfaces of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.scheduler | |
interface |
Configuration interface for the SchedulerService. |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.services.scheduler with parameters of type ComponentConfiguration | |
void |
DefaultSchedulerServiceImpl.configure(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
Uses of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.sql |
Subinterfaces of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.sql | |
interface |
This configuration maintains the setup of a |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.services.sql with parameters of type ComponentConfiguration | |
void |
DefaultStatementFactoryImpl.configure(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
Configure the component. |
Uses of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.sql.connection |
Subinterfaces of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.sql.connection | |
interface |
Configuration Interface for NamedDataSourceConnectionFactory. |
interface |
Configuration Interface for StandaloneConnectionFactory Copyright 2002 Sapient |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.services.sql.connection with parameters of type ComponentConfiguration | |
void |
StandaloneConnectionFactory.configure(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
Configure the component. |
void |
NamedDataSourceConnectionFactory.configure(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
Obtains the DataSource and necessary connection properties. |
Uses of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.sqldataloader.mru |
Subinterfaces of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.sqldataloader.mru | |
interface |
Configuration interface used by SqlBeanMRUDataLoader. |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.services.sqldataloader.mru with parameters of type ComponentConfiguration | |
void |
SqlBeanMapMRUDataLoader.configure(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
Configure the component. |
Uses of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.sqldataloader.total |
Subinterfaces of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.sqldataloader.total | |
interface |
Configuration interface used by SqlBeanDataLoader Copyright 2003 Sapient |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.services.sqldataloader.total with parameters of type ComponentConfiguration | |
void |
SqlBeanDataLoader.configure(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
Configure the component. |
Uses of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.threadpool |
Subinterfaces of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.threadpool | |
interface |
Configuration for the DefaultThreadPoolImpl. |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.services.threadpool with parameters of type ComponentConfiguration | |
void |
DefaultThreadPoolImpl.configure(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
validates the configuration object and stores it |
Uses of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.uniqueid |
Subinterfaces of ComponentConfiguration in org.sape.carbon.services.uniqueid | |
interface |
An Interface that represents the Factory configuration. |
Methods in org.sape.carbon.services.uniqueid with parameters of type ComponentConfiguration | |
void |
DefaultUniqueIDServiceImpl.configure(ComponentConfiguration configuration)
Configure the component. |