Uses of Interface

Packages that use Configuration
org.sape.carbon.core.config.type.handlers This package contains all classes for defining and implementing Most Recently Used (MRU) caches. This package contains all classes for defining and implementing read-only and writable total caches. This package contains the classloader based implementation of the Configuration nodes interfaces. This package contains the jar-file based implementation of the Configuration nodes interfaces. Contains a JNDI-backed implementation of carbon configuration nodes that support the storage of configuration data in directory servers. This package contains a graphical user interface for the Carbon Component Model. The DeploymentService is designed to help manage differences in configurations between application deployments. The EJB service facilitates Enterprise Java Bean lookup via a variety of factory methods. Supports the lookup of remote EJBs as per the EJB specification. Contains the interfaces and implementations of an email sending service. Contains the classes for an MX4J MBean Server and adapters to access it. Contains the classes for connecting to Weblogic 7.0's MBean server. The JNDI service provides components that aid in the use of JNDI. The Carbon SQL service comprises of SqlStatementFactory - The functional interface to the component DefaultStatementFactoryImpl - The default funtional implementation that defines the createPreparedStatement and createCallableStatement methods. Contains the classes used to connect to JDBC datasources and driver connections through a configured setup. The Carbon Unique ID Service solves the problem of generating unique IDs for data that are independent of the data representation itself. 

Uses of Configuration in org.sape.carbon.core.bootstrap

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.bootstrap that return Configuration
 Configuration BootConfigurationDocument.readConfiguration()
          Gets the configuration object loaded in the constructor

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.bootstrap with parameters of type Configuration
 void BootConfigurationDocument.writeConfiguration(Configuration config)
          Not supported by this implementation
 ConfigurationDocument BootConfigurationDocument.addNestedConfigurationDocument(String name, Configuration config)

Uses of Configuration in org.sape.carbon.core.component

Subinterfaces of Configuration in org.sape.carbon.core.component
 interface ComponentConfiguration
          This configuration is meant to be the base configurations needed for a Carbon Component.
 interface ComponentKeeperConfiguration
          Configuration interface for the ComponentKeeper.

Uses of Configuration in org.sape.carbon.core.component.factory

Subinterfaces of Configuration in org.sape.carbon.core.component.factory
 interface ComponentFactoryConfiguration
          Configuration interface for the ComponentKeeper.
 interface ComponentTemplateConfiguration
          This configuration represents the construction template for a carbon component.
 interface DecoratorConfiguration
          This configuration represents the factory settings for a requested decorator.

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.component.factory that return Configuration
 Configuration DecoratorConfiguration.getCustomConfiguration()
          Retrieves an optional custom configuration that may be passed to a a decorator for specific.

Uses of Configuration in org.sape.carbon.core.component.lifecycle

Subinterfaces of Configuration in org.sape.carbon.core.component.lifecycle
 interface DefaultLifecycleInterceptorConfiguration
          This configuration represents the configuration for the Default implementation of the Lifecycle Interceptor.

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.component.lifecycle with parameters of type Configuration
 Decorator LifecycleInterceptorFactory.getInstance(FunctionalInterface functionalImplementation, ComponentConfiguration componentConfiguration, ComponentProxyInvocationHandler proxyInvocationHandler, Configuration decoratorConfiguration)
          Constructs Lifecycle Interceptor.

Uses of Configuration in org.sape.carbon.core.component.proxy

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.component.proxy with parameters of type Configuration
 Decorator DefaultProxyInvokerFactory.getInstance(FunctionalInterface functionalImplementation, ComponentConfiguration componentConfiguration, ComponentProxyInvocationHandler proxyInvocationHandler, Configuration decoratorConfiguration)
          Constructs a component interceptor.
 Decorator DecoratorFactory.getInstance(FunctionalInterface functionalImplementation, ComponentConfiguration componentConfiguration, ComponentProxyInvocationHandler proxyInvocationHandler, Configuration decoratorConfiguration)
          Constructs a component interceptor.

Uses of Configuration in org.sape.carbon.core.component.startup

Subinterfaces of Configuration in org.sape.carbon.core.component.startup
 interface StartupServiceConfiguration
          Configuration interface for the Startup Service.
static interface StartupServiceConfiguration.StartupComponentConfiguration
          Interface defining a component to be processed by the startup service.

Uses of Configuration in org.sape.carbon.core.config

Subinterfaces of Configuration in org.sape.carbon.core.config
 interface PropertyConfiguration
          This is the base interface for buisiness Configuration objects.

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.config that return Configuration
 Configuration DefaultRootConfigurationService.fetchConfiguration(String configurationName)
 Configuration DefaultRootConfigurationService.fetchWritableConfiguration(String configurationName)
 Configuration DefaultRootConfigurationService.createConfiguration(Class configurationType)
 Configuration ConfigurationService.fetchConfiguration(String configurationName)
           Returns a Configuration object that contains all of the configuration data in the ConfigurationDocument located by configurationName.
 Configuration ConfigurationService.fetchWritableConfiguration(String configurationName)
           Returns a Configuration object that contains all of the configuration data in the ConfigurationDocument located by configurationName.
 Configuration ConfigurationService.createConfiguration(Class configurationType)
           This method is the primary interface to create new instances of Configuration Objects.
 Configuration Config.fetchConfiguration(String name)
 Configuration Config.fetchWritableConfiguration(String name)
 Configuration Config.createConfiguration(Class configurationType)

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.config with parameters of type Configuration
 void DefaultRootConfigurationService.storeConfiguration(String configurationName, Configuration config)
private  void DefaultRootConfigurationService.recursiveStoreConfiguration(Node node, Configuration config, StringTokenizer tokenizer)
          Traverses down the node adding the sub-nodes.
 void ConfigurationService.storeConfiguration(String configurationName, Configuration config)
           The storeConfiguration method persists configuration data contained in config to the underlying ConfigurationDocument named by configurationName.
 void Config.storeConfiguration(String name, Configuration config)

Uses of Configuration in org.sape.carbon.core.config.cache

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.config.cache that return Configuration
 Configuration SynchronizedConfigurationCache.getConfiguration(String name)
          Gets back a configuration with the given name.
private  Configuration SynchronizedConfigurationCache.loadConfiguration(String name)
          Synchronized method to load configurations.
 Configuration DoubleCheckConfigurationCache.getConfiguration(String name)
          Gets back a configuration with the given name.
 Configuration ConfigurationCache.getConfiguration(String name)
          Gets the cached version of the configuration named by name

Uses of Configuration in org.sape.carbon.core.config.format

Classes in org.sape.carbon.core.config.format that implement Configuration
 class AbstractConfigurationProxy
          This abstract class includes basic support for configuration objects in XML.

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.config.format that return Configuration
 Configuration DefaultConfigurationFormatService.newConfiguration(Class configurationClass)
           Creates a new configuration object of the type specified.
 Configuration DefaultConfigurationFormatService.readConfigurationStream(String name, InputStream in)
          Loads a Configuration object from the given InputStream.
 Configuration DefaultConfigurationFormatService.getChildConfiguration(Configuration parentConfig, String childName)
 Configuration ConfigurationFormatService.newConfiguration(Class configurationClass)
          Creates a new configuration object of the type specified.
 Configuration ConfigurationFormatService.readConfigurationStream(String name, InputStream in)
          Loads a Configuration object from the given InputStream.
 Configuration ConfigurationFormatService.getChildConfiguration(Configuration parentConfig, String childName)
          Gets the child Configuration object of parentConfig that is named by the childName.

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.config.format with parameters of type Configuration
 void DefaultConfigurationFormatService.writeConfigurationStream(Configuration configuration, OutputStream out)
          Stores the raw version of the provided Configuration object in the format that this format service implementation understands.
 Configuration DefaultConfigurationFormatService.getChildConfiguration(Configuration parentConfig, String childName)
 Set DefaultConfigurationFormatService.getChildConfigurationNames(Configuration parentConfig)
          This implementation uses Introspection to determine the list of all attributes the parentConfig contains.
 void DefaultConfigurationFormatService.alterChildConfiguration(Configuration parentConfig, String childName, Configuration newConfig)
 void DefaultConfigurationFormatService.alterChildConfiguration(Configuration parentConfig, String childName, Configuration newConfig)
 void ConfigurationFormatService.writeConfigurationStream(Configuration configuration, OutputStream out)
          Stores the raw version of the provided Configuration object in the format that this format service implementation understands.
 Configuration ConfigurationFormatService.getChildConfiguration(Configuration parentConfig, String childName)
          Gets the child Configuration object of parentConfig that is named by the childName.
 Set ConfigurationFormatService.getChildConfigurationNames(Configuration parentConfig)
          Gets the names of all the child configurations of parentConfig.
 void ConfigurationFormatService.alterChildConfiguration(Configuration parentConfig, String childName, Configuration newConfig)
          Alters the configuration named by childName within parentConfig, setting it to the value of newConfig.
 void ConfigurationFormatService.alterChildConfiguration(Configuration parentConfig, String childName, Configuration newConfig)
          Alters the configuration named by childName within parentConfig, setting it to the value of newConfig.

Uses of Configuration in org.sape.carbon.core.config.format.jdom

Classes in org.sape.carbon.core.config.format.jdom that implement Configuration
 class JDOMConfigurationProxy
          This is an extension of an AbstractConfigurationProxy that is backed by a JDOM Document data structure.
 class JDOMPropertyConfiguration
          This is an implementation of the string based attribute lookup PropertyConfiguration.

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.config.format.jdom that return Configuration
protected  Configuration JDOMConfigurationProxy.getChildConfiguration(Class requiredInterface, org.jdom.Element element, String name)
          Builds a new implementation of the specified configuration class by using a JDOMConfigurationProxy as the InvocationHandler for a Dynamic Proxy.

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.config.format.jdom with parameters of type Configuration
protected  org.jdom.Element JDOMConfigurationProxy.configurationToElement(Configuration config)
          Converts a configuration to its jdom representation.

Uses of Configuration in org.sape.carbon.core.config.interceptor

Subinterfaces of Configuration in org.sape.carbon.core.config.interceptor
 interface ConfigurationInterceptorConfiguration

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.config.interceptor with parameters of type Configuration
 Decorator ConfigurationInterceptorFactory.getInstance(FunctionalInterface functionalImplementation, ComponentConfiguration componentConfiguration, ComponentProxyInvocationHandler proxyInvocationHandler, Configuration decoratorConfiguration)
          Constructs a component interceptor.

Uses of Configuration in org.sape.carbon.core.config.node

Fields in org.sape.carbon.core.config.node declared as Configuration
protected  Configuration AbstractConfigurationDocument.configuration
          Cached copy of the Configuration

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.config.node that return Configuration
 Configuration NestedConfigurationDocument.readConfiguration()
private  Configuration NestedConfigurationDocument.getConfiguration()
          Helper method to get the configuration for this node.
 Configuration ConfigurationDocument.readConfiguration()
          Accesses the underlying data store to load the configuration data from to the location represented by this Node.
 Configuration AbstractConfigurationDocument.readConfiguration()
          This implementation uses the ConfigurationFormatService to read from the backing data store.

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.config.node with parameters of type Configuration
 void NestedConfigurationDocument.writeConfiguration(Configuration config)
 ConfigurationDocument Folder.addConfigurationDocument(String name, Configuration config)
          Creates a new child ConfigurationDocument and returns a reference to the newly created ConfigurationDocument.
 void ConfigurationDocument.writeConfiguration(Configuration config)
          Accesses the underlying data store to persist the configuration data of config to the location represented by this Node.
 ConfigurationDocument ConfigurationDocument.addNestedConfigurationDocument(String name, Configuration config)
          Adds a nested configuration object within this document with the name given by name and the value given by config.
 ConfigurationDocument AbstractFolder.addConfigurationDocument(String name, Configuration config)
protected  ConfigurationDocument AbstractFolder.createNewConfigurationDocument(String name, Configuration config)
          Uses the configurationDocumentFactory to create a child ConfigurationDocument and adds it to childNodes.
 void AbstractConfigurationDocument.writeConfiguration(Configuration config)
          This implementation uses the ConfigurationFormatService to write to the backing data store.
 ConfigurationDocument AbstractConfigurationDocument.addNestedConfigurationDocument(String name, Configuration config)
protected  void AbstractConfigurationDocument.writeChildReferences(Configuration config)
          Writes out references to child configuration documents inside a config.

Uses of Configuration in org.sape.carbon.core.config.node.file

Subinterfaces of Configuration in org.sape.carbon.core.config.node.file
 interface FileLinkNodeConfiguration
          Interface defining additional configuration for links to file system nodes Copyright 2002 Sapient

Uses of Configuration in

Subinterfaces of Configuration in
 interface GenericLinkNodeConfiguration
          Configuration interface for configuring links that point to other Nodes.
 interface LinkNodeConfiguration
          Base Configuration interface for LinkNodes.

Methods in that return Configuration
 Configuration ConfigurationDocumentLinkImpl.readConfiguration()

Methods in with parameters of type Configuration
 ConfigurationDocument FolderLinkImpl.addConfigurationDocument(String name, Configuration config)
 void ConfigurationDocumentLinkImpl.writeConfiguration(Configuration config)
 ConfigurationDocument ConfigurationDocumentLinkImpl.addNestedConfigurationDocument(String name, Configuration config)

Uses of Configuration in org.sape.carbon.core.config.type

Subinterfaces of Configuration in org.sape.carbon.core.config.type
 interface ConfigurationTypeServiceConfiguration
          This is the Configuration interface that defines the configuration data for an instance of a Configuration Type Handler Service.
static interface ConfigurationTypeServiceConfiguration.TypeHandlerConfiguration
          This interface defines the configuration for a single configuration type handler.

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.config.type that return Configuration
 Configuration DefaultConfigurationTypeServiceImpl.toConfiguration(Class type, Object value)
          Converts a value into a configuration.
 Configuration ConfigurationTypeService.toConfiguration(Class type, Object data)
          Translates the supported object type into its Configuration value
 Configuration ComplexConfigurationTypeHandler.toConfiguration(Object objectValue)
          Translates the an Object into the Configuration version of itself

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.config.type with parameters of type Configuration
 Object DefaultConfigurationTypeServiceImpl.toObject(Class type, Configuration data)
          Converts configuration data to a specific class type.
 Object ConfigurationTypeService.toObject(Class type, Configuration value)
          Translates configuration data from its Configuration value into its object form for usage by clients of the configuration service.
 Object ComplexConfigurationTypeHandler.toObject(Class returnType, Configuration data)
          Translates the Configuration representation of data in an object version

Uses of Configuration in org.sape.carbon.core.config.type.handlers

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.config.type.handlers that return Configuration
 Configuration ComponentTypeHandler.toConfiguration(Object objectValue)
          Formats a Component into a Configuration object.

Methods in org.sape.carbon.core.config.type.handlers with parameters of type Configuration
 Object ComponentTypeHandler.toObject(Class returnType, Configuration configuration)
          Parses a Configuration object into a Component object.

Uses of Configuration in

Subinterfaces of Configuration in
 interface BaseMRUCacheConfiguration
          The configuration interface for the DefaultMRUCacheImpl implementation.
 interface MRUCacheConfiguration
          This is the configuration interface for a basic MRUCache Copyright 2002 Sapient
 interface MultiGetMRUCacheConfiguration
          This is the configuration interface for a multi-get MRUCache

Uses of Configuration in

Subinterfaces of Configuration in
 interface TotalCacheConfiguration
          Configuration interface used by both the ReadOnlyCache and WritableCache implementations.

Uses of Configuration in

Subinterfaces of Configuration in
 interface CarbonManagementServiceConfiguration
          This interface defines the configuration of the DefaultCarbonManagementServiceImpl.

Uses of Configuration in

Subinterfaces of Configuration in
 interface ClassloaderLinkNodeConfiguration
          Configuration interface for LinkNodes that link to ClassLoader Node hierarchies.

Methods in with parameters of type Configuration
 void ClassloaderConfigurationDocument.writeConfiguration(Configuration config)
          This implementation does not write through to the backing datastore as Classloader resources are read-only.

Uses of Configuration in

Subinterfaces of Configuration in
 interface JarLinkNodeConfiguration
          Additional link node configuration for links to or within jars Copyright 2002 Sapient

Uses of Configuration in

Subinterfaces of Configuration in
 interface JNDILinkNodeConfiguration
          This configuration interface defines properties to that describe how to connect to a JNDI directory that contains a configuration hierachy.

Uses of Configuration in

Subinterfaces of Configuration in
 interface ConfiguratorConfiguration
          This is the base template for a new Component Configuration.

Fields in declared as Configuration
private  Configuration ObjectTreeModel.config
private  Configuration ObjectTreeModel.ConfigNode.config
private  Configuration ObjectTreeModel.ArrayNode.parent
private  Configuration ObjectTreeModel.DataNode.parent
protected  Configuration ObjectFrame.config

Constructors in with parameters of type Configuration
ObjectTreeModel(Configuration config)
ObjectTreeModel.ConfigNode(Configuration config)
ObjectTreeModel.ArrayNode(Configuration parent, PropertyDescriptor descriptor)
ObjectTreeModel.ArrayNodeConfigurationValue(ObjectTreeModel.ArrayNode parent, Configuration config, int index)
ObjectTreeModel.DataNode(Configuration parent, PropertyDescriptor pd)
ObjectFrame(Configuration config)
          Creates new form ObjectFrame

Uses of Configuration in

Subinterfaces of Configuration in
 interface DeploymentServiceConfiguration
          Configuration interface for the Deployment Service

Uses of Configuration in

Subinterfaces of Configuration in
 interface EnterpriseBeanConfiguration
          This interface describes an Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) in terms of the properties required for its lookup via the EJB service's home factory facilities.
 interface HomeFactoryConfiguration
          This interface describes an EJB service home factory component.

Uses of Configuration in

Subinterfaces of Configuration in
 interface RemoteHomeFactoryConfiguration
          This interface describes an EJB service home factory component tailored specifically for handling lookups for remote objects.

Uses of Configuration in

Subinterfaces of Configuration in
 interface MailConfiguration
          The configuration interface for the email component.

Uses of Configuration in

Methods in with parameters of type Configuration
 Decorator StatisticsInterceptorFactory.getInstance(FunctionalInterface functionalImplementation, ComponentConfiguration componentConfiguration, ComponentProxyInvocationHandler proxyInvocationHandler, Configuration decoratorConfiguration)
          Constructs a component interceptor.

Uses of Configuration in

Subinterfaces of Configuration in
 interface MBeanServerConfiguration
          This is the base template for a new Component Configuration.

Uses of Configuration in

Subinterfaces of Configuration in
 interface HttpAdaptorConfiguration
          This is the base template for a new Component Configuration.
 interface JrmpRemotingConfiguration
          This is the base template for a new Component Configuration.

Uses of Configuration in

Subinterfaces of Configuration in
 interface WebLogicMBeanServerServiceConfiguration
          This is the configuration for the WebLogicMBeanServerService.

Uses of Configuration in

Subinterfaces of Configuration in
 interface InitialContextFactoryConfiguration
          Configuration used by the DefaultInitialContextFactoryImpl.

Uses of Configuration in

Subinterfaces of Configuration in
 interface ManagementInterceptorConfiguration
          This Configuration object is used to configure the default ManagementInterceptor.
 interface MBeanInfoConfiguration
          Represents an MBean Configuration.
static interface MBeanInfoConfiguration.MBeanAttributeInfoConfiguration
          Describes an MBean attribute.
static interface MBeanInfoConfiguration.MBeanConstructorInfoConfiguration
          Describes an MBean constructor method.
static interface MBeanInfoConfiguration.MBeanFeatureInfoConfiguration
          Basic interface describing an MBean Feature.
static interface MBeanInfoConfiguration.MBeanNotificationInfoConfiguration
          Describes an MBean notification settings.
static interface MBeanInfoConfiguration.MBeanOperationInfoConfiguration
          Describes an MBean operation.
static interface MBeanInfoConfiguration.MBeanParameterInfoConfiguration
          Describes an parameter for an MBean operation.

Methods in with parameters of type Configuration
 Decorator ManagementInterceptorFactory.getInstance(FunctionalInterface functionalImplementation, ComponentConfiguration componentConfiguration, ComponentProxyInvocationHandler proxyInvocationHandler, Configuration decoratorConfiguration)
          Constructs a component interceptor.

Uses of Configuration in

Subinterfaces of Configuration in
 interface BoundedBufferPerformanceLoggerConfiguration
          Configures a Bounded Buffer performance logger.

Uses of Configuration in

Subinterfaces of Configuration in
 interface BaseTaskConfiguration
          Basic configuration required by all tasks
 interface FixedDelayTaskConfiguration
          This is the configuration interface used to create fixed delay tasks within the Scheduler Service.
 interface FixedRateTaskConfiguration
           This is the configuration interface used to create fixed rate tasks within the Scheduler Service.
 interface SchedulerServiceConfiguration
          Configuration interface for the SchedulerService.

Uses of Configuration in

Subinterfaces of Configuration in
 interface StatementConfiguration
          This configuration holds the definition of a specific SQL statement.
 interface StatementFactoryConfiguration
          This configuration maintains the setup of a

Uses of Configuration in

Subinterfaces of Configuration in
 interface NamedDataSourceConnectionFactoryConfiguration
          Configuration Interface for NamedDataSourceConnectionFactory.
 interface StandaloneConnectionFactoryConfiguration
          Configuration Interface for StandaloneConnectionFactory Copyright 2002 Sapient

Uses of Configuration in

Subinterfaces of Configuration in
 interface SqlBeanMapMRUDataLoaderConfiguration
          Configuration interface used by SqlBeanMRUDataLoader.

Uses of Configuration in

Subinterfaces of Configuration in
 interface SqlBeanDataLoaderConfiguration
          Configuration interface used by SqlBeanDataLoader Copyright 2003 Sapient

Uses of Configuration in

Subinterfaces of Configuration in
 interface ThreadPoolConfiguration
          Configuration for the DefaultThreadPoolImpl.

Uses of Configuration in

Subinterfaces of Configuration in
 interface UniqueIDServiceConfiguration
          An Interface that represents the Factory configuration.

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